Chapter 152: This Is A Game

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Chapter 152: This Is A Game


The person who led this contingent of players that numbered around a thousand or more was none other than the City Lord of "Battle City" Warjillis, Rentaw. He and Siva had a special relationship but it was something that was purely... lax in nature. It was unknown, though, why he had come in here.

Rentaw only gave Kladis a passing nod as his gaze was focused on the deadlock between the allied, the Haven Dust Company, the Red Dragon Flag, and the Aviators.

Between his and Kladis' groups, there were around 50m with Kladis and Rentaw only five or so meters away from each other.

"Are you going to join in the fray?" asked Ren.

"Later." Kladis narrowed his eyes, a seething anger was obviously hissing out as he answered. "I'm not here for their scuffle."

"Is that so..." Rentaw remained unperturbed and so seemed to care less as to what Kladis planned.

Between them, they only had a casual 'business' deal to work on since they were both high-ranking people in their respective organization.

Rentaw didn't care if he's here for revenge or not.

What Ren cared about is The Box and those...

................the Aviator's Mobile Suit Units.

"I'm going out first then." Ren said flatly.

"Shoo... shoo..." Kladis dismissed him as if he was an annoying fly.

Rentaw didn't get angry since Kladis was always a man that one will easily get annoyed with. If you've spent enough time interacting with him, you'd know straightaway that he wasn't someone you can get along with in any way possible —if you're a guy.

He was already flying but he still made a jumping motion and led his troop towards The Box's path.

As soon as he joined in, the chaotic battlefield had become more chaotic. It suddenly became a five-sided warzone driven by personal demands.

The demons...

The Red Dragon Flag...

The Haven Dust Company...

The Hydra Society...

And the Allied Defense Forces...

It was unknown to them how and why The Box had suddenly remained afloat between them, as if there was an invisible hand that made it so that it wouldn't get anywhere else aside from this place.

As it floated there, ownerless, greed shone in the eyes of many as their visions focused only on that metallic box object that hovered in midair.

"Get it!"

No one knew who said those words but even the Aviators all hurried over to get back their Supreme Commander because he was a large variable in the survival of their entire Belphegor Armada.

Kladis watched as they played their game and he was also genuinely fascinated by the naked display of human nature.

"It is beautiful." He was clearly mocking the nature of humanity but on the other hand, it was indeed a rare scene to see 'human nature' takes its natural course and make a bid for this grand display.

And just like that, minute ticked by...

The battle zones shifted as the aerial dogfight went on with its flow. The first to dwindle in numbers is the Allied Forces because they've been here since the early hour of the event.

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