Author's Notes for [Volume 6]

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Author's Notes:
This volume was originally comprised of three sets of volume from the Blueprint but because of the last volume's contents were also somehow part of this volume's first parts, I did a few adjustments.

Still, I didn't expect that the contents I wanted to be put in this volume would take me 160 chapters.

Also, I would like to congratulate you guys, I just made a count and we've crossed the 400th chapter of our story.


I'm actually really, really happy.

Six volumes and 400+ chapters; it was a milestone!

Congratulations to everybody and thank you very much for the support all this time.

Now, on to the topic...


The reason Volume 6 is long is because: in this volume, we tackled all of the turning points that's been given in all the past volumes of Siva.

For example is the existence of Chronos.

Then there're the Dragons... then there are the real difference between the Muans (as described in first chapter of Vol4: Book of Legends) and the Original Terrans... and then there's the truth with Terra's death... I also cleared all doubts about the hints for the War of the Braves... then I also plugged the holes regarding the Volume 3 and 4's "visions" of Siva and a mysterious war...

It took a large amount of thinking and planning to clear those things up and tie it all into one fact:

Siva.......... is a victim by fate.

All throughout the story, starting from Volume 1, I have also always stated what my view of the direction of humanity's technology is based on the real world facts and observations I've conducted.

—that is, in regards to certain aspects of them and what their impacts will be to real life.

Many readers have told me that I'm too detailed and that I tend to bring plot holes because of these detail-orientation I was doing... but I will remain firm to tell you guys about the message I was trying to tell in this story.

FACT: Life is a bitch.

(Although I made it a noisy, donkey-arse-smelling, money-grubbing, son of a life-bitch Siva's story is)

But anyways (whew, we've been off tracked way too far there) my point is, Volume 6 dealt with all the open holes in the past volumes and set Siva's goals and drives straight with Dead Man Island.

In fact, thinking about it, I kind of 30% regret choosing Volume 6's title as Dead Man Island since clearly, it should have been something like "Volume 6: Crystal Memories" or "Volume 6: Call for Jeremiah"

But I digressed because I wanted to leave you guys the impression of Chronos... although we did not focus on it here in this volume.

Chronos, as stated in this Volume, was Siva's past sanctuary........and is a continent... but when seen in the perspective or Immortals, is but an island.

Okay, everything above this line is over now...
......on to the topic for next volume!

Honestly, I am anxious of the next volume.

Simply because, while I was writing this volume, I fell into a period of depression and many things happened that affected my writing and also my drive that there are days that I don't feel like writing anything at all, but had to.

This time's depression really affected me big time as it concerned my future.

I don't have a steady income, not even enough to say it was a living. Honestly, I sometimes see the house at night, see my mother who took care of five lousy unfilial children sleeping with a fat belly full of unhealthy fat... I feel guilty... because while I know I needed to work and support my mom as my filial duty.......... I really can't take that step.

Because, again (I'm sorry, let me finish), each time I see myself in some desk job or field work, toiling my life away... while I do know that I am supporting my family with the proper duty as the first born, my mind will always reel with fear whenever I think of my readers and my stories.

Was it foolishness to feel good writing stories and abandoning my filial duty?

Was it idiocy chasing my dream and ignoring the reality happening around me?

Why can't I work and write at the same time?

Why am I still writing despite only having a meager monthly income in Patreon?

Simple. Because I am really afraid.

Was it foolishness? I admit, yes. Absolutely.

But just like how told you guys before, I really can't imagine my life behind a desk getting older, or in the field somewhere, with a gun in my hands and thinking is this going to be my last day?

I wanted to share a different world to my readers.

.............a different perspective in life.

.................a different story.

.....................I wanted to spark imagination.

LIFE IS DULL.......... YES.

And these stories, away from the dirty narrative, away from the plot holes, away from the boring conversations of the characters, away from the overly descriptive narrative of its violence... were stories that "may" have actually existed out there.

This volume is really a challenge but we made it and I thank you guys so much for your encouragements and warm words... even the negative ones... because I know you're reading.

Yeah... I know I am not a good romance writer.

Okay... okay... okay....

Next volume will have more Real World sequences so I'm really looking forward to it.

Also, just like what I did to this volume, I will be compressing three or four volumes in one MEGA volume in Volume 7 so expect that I will be writing for more than a year for Volume 7 that will have around 200 chapters or so.

MY REASON BEING that I wanted to finish up this arc as soon as possible and start with the SECOND ARC of the Siva Light Novel (—now Web Novel?) Series....... Titled: (tentative) "Stargazer"

Next arc will adopt a new narration style that I've been practicing lately with the rewritten Mortal King and Pilot: Online stories.

So yeah... compress... compress... compress...

Next Volume is the seventh (7th) Volume of Siva LN Series and I hope you guys keep supporting.

Please support me on Patreon.

Yeah, thanks so much for my Patrons! I love you.

Next Volume coming in 20 days. Please, let me rest and gather up more Mana to cast the spell.

We will be tackling an in-depth view of the [Magic System] of RPG: Terroa and this is the reason why I am really excited about Volume 7.

Perhaps, well, if things don't go south and I manage to level up my editing skills and compress it successfully, Volume 7 may perhaps be the last volume for this arc... but I doubt it. Since the (now) planned Volume 8 after this is spectacularly MEGA awesome... but... well, we'll see through this year if my calculations for 2018's Volume 7 are correct.


Siva (Volume 6) Dead Man IslandWhere stories live. Discover now