Chapter 019: Semi-Family Reunion

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Guys, relaunching my "Royal Road Legends" ( account since a week ago after receiving some help from the beautiful phoenix, Wing-Sama, of the Royal Road Legends website, was a big step up for me.

I will be posting chapters there as well as here so if you can, please inform your friends over so that they also enjoy our story and be up to date with the current progress of Siva's quest.... by the way for those who are still unaware, the Royal Road Legend website is the original home of the Legendary Moonlight Sculptor LN Series that is one of the best Korean stories you'd ever read in your life. You will enjoy the read as much as millions of us did so I encourage you to start reading it now. It has 49 translated chapters as of late so you can enjoy a long read with it.

Alright, for latest updates and news regarding my releases, please follow me on Facebook, and/or on twitter; and finally at my blog as well where I will be posting exclusive chapters for some of my stories in the future, including the Mortal King.

Please leave me a VOTE so that we can push for our story to be #1 in the genre list in this Volume.

We're currently #18 as of this post's writing.

Enjoy the read and please, again, do not forget to leave me that small little VOTE.


Volume 6
Chapter 019: Semi-Family Reunion

Ellie sounded apologetic and somewhat guilty of something, and she cried so hard that Siva also felt the tears forming on his own eyes.

"Mom, please, don't cry... stop it. No matter what it is, you didn't do anything wrong..."

"I did something, Siva... to your mother... Terra."

"What? What do you mean? Aren't I your son, Rex Kingsley?"

Ellie raised her head and she cried even more. She hugged him tightly and just as she was about to say something, the white door behind her opened and from there, in a world of blue lines or strings of numbers and black background, he saw his dad enter... wearing a tear-eyed face.



"Technically, I am not your father. In fact, Terra is not your mother as well. But in a different sense, you are also my son."

Siva was taken aback and he trembled at the very implication of the things his father said.


"Let me finish. When this universe was born, no, was first created, there existed three governing programs responsible for the development of the worlds... namely: Brahma "The Creator", Vishnu "The Sustainer", and Siva "The Destroyer". While Pegasus' avatar, "The One", was in charge of placing the [Mana Code] that could be used by the Brahma program to create fates and establish independent worlds, there exists my avatar, The Warden... an external program responsible for eliminating and isolating possible threats to the development of said worlds. You, Siva, however, was supposed to be a mere program used only as the last phase when this universe had served its purpose and it was time to end everything..."

"Dad, what are you talking about? I am Rex! I am Baron's older brother! I am your son! What do you mean I am but a program?! Siva... Siva is just my avatar's name!"

Ellie gasped and she stood up, hugging him tightly and then turning her head back to glare a sharp pair of eyes at Neth Kingsley.

"You were supposed to let me handle it!!" She tear-ladened rebuked him.

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