Chapter 071: Asgard

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Sorry for being late in update.

I have been working the whole week and only got to go online today. And yeah, I haven't even written anything yet so yeah... please enjoy the read.

We're currently #12 as of this post's writing.

Enjoy the read and please, again, do not forget to leave me that small little VOTE and also comment to tell me how you think about this week's update.

Volume 6
Chapter 071: Asgard

The clouds that drifted in the skies were parted by that loud and raging roar of power.

The players closest to the dragon all died.

Some of them, those who were 2km away, were all blasted off their feet and was sent tumbling in the air or in the ground.

The lands quaked at the devastating power this one attack carried and even if it's still in the middle of the day, the intensity of the illumination of this attack had dimmed the light of day.

Like a lantern burning brightly in sunset, it caused the air to ripple and the majestic sight of the beast in the midst of the parting hoop made out of a sea of dusts clouds, were all recorded by the cameras that floated around it.

Accompanying this loud cry was fluctuations of the light that surrounded it.

Then, in a snap of a moment, the Dragon Roar's cannon blast that I directed to the sky, thinned out as it vanished. The dragon's silhouette, still facing up with its mouth open, staggered as it coughed out a last batch of fresh dragon blood... before its body suddenly disappeared.









While everyone was aghast as to what happened, a few people with keen eyes looked up and saw a figure... no, it wasn't a figure but an object.

"Look! Up there!"

From one person to another, they all focused their eyes to the 'object' they all saw; it was a big black ball.

"Who's that?"

"Below that object... there's a person!"

"That's... that's Siva!"

"Goodness gracious, that's truly him! Siva!"

Siva... was carrying the big black ball on his hands as he raised them up. From the ground, it looked like Siva was carrying a black sun.

The ball was 95m large and in fact, it wasn't an entirely giant black ball as it had few swirling white plated 'drones' that supported the structure like a mother, injecting electricity on places that seemed to need it.

"By the Gods, did he... did he stuff that dragon in that large thing he's holding?"

When an NPC spoke at this part, brains started to work as eyes fixed on Siva's figure.

He was wearing a deep sea blue-themed armor set with a red cape that fluttered in the winds. His hands were raised up to support the black sun while his helmet's Y-shaped gap for the eyes and mouth only had darkness in it.

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