Chapter 073: Elders of The Union

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Volume 6
Chapter 073: Elders of The Union

Dakar, The Union Headquarters
Seven shadows were assembled in the main hall that was called their [Conference Room] and they are all, right now, in the middle of a conference.

The seven shadows were the Seven Elders that comprises the main thinking organ of the giant creature that is The Union; and right now, they're all here, with an eight person physically being at the Conference Room itself, hearing them all talk about the event that happened in Dragona.

[Seventh... you sent the entire Manhattan War Fleet to both be a deterrent and a shield to secure the dragon resource but in the end, all of our warships, flagships, and even the Battleship Manhattan itself had been destroyed and reduced to scrap metals. Out of all the nine legions that is also there with the warships that had sunk, only a mere 11,000 people... a legion's number and not even a complete regiment... sigh... this is almost 50% of our entire forces with the reserve forces accounted... it was a good thing that only 10% of them are our real assets with the rest being mere NPCs. But still, we lost all of our Warships. It will take us around two months before we could even recover just warships' construction costs alone. I really have to sanction you with it.]

[I have no problem with shouldering all of the cost of recovery of the entire War Fleet to compensate my decision's results. But what I am more deeply concerned about is this loss. It was a once in a while rare resource and yet, it vanished just like that... outside of storing it on a spatial artifact, no Inventory-capable item could store an object with that size in it. Ole Fifth?]

[I concur. I've already contacted our best Artisans and Magic Artificers, and they all said that there is no way there will be an artifact that specialized in spatial storage function.]

[So you mean to say that it's that black sun that he had in his hand at the time that's at fault for taking away our resource?]

The one who had spoken was the Second Elder.

The shadows in the darkness bowed their heads as if thinking, and then the Third Elder's shadow raised a finger and spoke:

[There have been reports of higher-class Demon Commanders appearing in The North and in some areas in our territory and there are actually four in our own ranks that had received a decent reward of a Black Ball capable of supporting 15 Forms. It may be stretching it but perhaps this is one of those instances.]

[Is it in Overdrive form?]

[Aside from that, that giant black ball in his hands back then couldn't be explained in any other way whatsoever.]

Asked the Second Elder and the Third Elder gave him a glance and a nod.

While all of this talk was happening, Jack, the one who was tasked to sit here for some reason, felt his back full of ice-cold sweat.

"This is not something I should be hearing. The world of the rich people who doesn't care about money at all is just so.... dazzling that it's blinding my soul... how I wish I was born on their family."

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