Chapter 043: Inventory Plus Ultra

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Volume 6
Chapter 043: Inventory Plus Ultra

Gabriel heaved a veeeeeeeery long breath.

For all the years he had lived, swallowing down his anger and cooling down his mind was the most difficult task he had yet to master.

In the past, Janus had rebuked him time after time because his short temper was becoming his own reason for not having friends around him.

He was so adamant to tell the world that he was not an old man, despite living for more than 15 Cycles, and yet his grumpy old self were signs that his unsociability and aloofness infect some of his decisions.

Take for example why Tiara had remained frozen all these years despite only having 1/4 of its land area being affected by the frozen Ice Caps of the Extreme Northern Region.

Because of the war that had happened in the past regarding territories, in his anger, he locked the entire continent.......... resulting to the current situation where only 13 Walled Cities managed to survive.

The lack of population led to the propagation of the monsters, the unbridled camping of the Demons, and the freezing of the lands.

Ones flourishing healthy lands became territories for monsters; plains were taken over by beasts, while valleys and inconspicuous forests and mountain ranges became bases for Demons to plant their grounds.

And Gabriel's pride and ego prevented him from taking back his degree, thus, after so many years, the entire situation deteriorated.


Now that things were going haywire; where his own Teacher is dead; his Empire almost non-existent; and the task he was supposed to uphold in the verge of being tested; Gabriel's temper was now being tested by an untouchable existence.

Such irony was really hard to accept.

"I am not old." He couldn't help but murmur.

His fists crackling, his Mana surging forth; little tornadoes began to form around his body and it was visibly threatening for a non-magic user like Siva.

"Tell me then." Siva dropped all sarcasm. "Who is Janus and what am I really to this world? Why do I have these memories? Why do I hate Immortals? What is the secret of this world?"

Secret of this world......

Siva had tiny bits, fragments, of recollection that spoke of a [secret] that became a valuable thing somewhere around 50 years ago.

There was keyword in his [memories]: a key. But in his wildest imaginations, he couldn't think of any mystical thing that could become a "key".

Because this "key" might not be a physical key but a hypothetical one, or a figurative one, or a place, or a name, or a person, or an object, or a word...

There were so many possibilities but the only key to discover what this [key] is lies on that war, 56 years ago.

Gabriel shook his head and sighs again, short of being disappointed and being helpless on the irony of this situation. To think the last person to ever have the [key] to the secret of this world had lost his memory..... it was too ironic.

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