Chapter 072: The Company As A Nation

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Volume 6
Chapter 072: The Company As A Nation

In the middle of Siva's explanation, the big black ball that he's been holding on his one hand above his head wreathed and the form started to vanish as he felt mentally fatigued.

"It's reached the limit of the Overdrive." He said.

When the black ball retreated to the gaps of his armor suit, what was revealed to everyone else is a large bloody-red transparent ball of blood that's so disgusting and so disturbingly alarming, it made the women cringed at the sight of it.

And to add more creepiness to the sight of it is a slanting lump of flesh full of blue-colored veins and a smooth muscled contour —a heart.

It was 45m large heart.

"Dragon Heart..."

It was unclear who actually said it but all of them heard what item it was in front of them.

A dragon's heart, an organ that can pump the two most precious resources known to all gamers in the real world; Dragon Mana and Dragon's Blood.

In novels, stories, animes, movies, manga, and to folklores and fairytales, Dragon Blood is known to always improve any 'warrior body' who bathe in it.

It was precious beyond any shadow of a doubt.

And then there's Dragon Mana; the most resilient and most aggressive kind of Mana in existence, outside of, perhaps, Mana created by Gods and those Devils —stuffs of legends that has no kinds nor any forms of tangible proofs of existence.

Dragon Mana, however, have records in the Book of Legends and they can only gathered as actual monster resource from the last beat of a Dragon's Heart.

Yet now, here it is, a real Dragon's Heart and...

DUB...................... DUB~!!

Just as they were about to ask the main issue of obtaining a Dragon's Heart, they heard that sound that indicated otherwise.

"Alive... that heart is alive!"

"It's a fresh heart..."

"My god, Siva, you're a genius!"

One pump to prove and destroy all claims; there were tubes connected to the main arteries of the organ and inside the large spherical 'casing' of the freshly preserved heart, were chambers that had large amounts of stored dragon blood.

Liters upon liters of fresh dragon blood were in front of them and just like how those unfortunate players who had died by the last burst of attack the dragon had made, they, too, salivated upon a glance of it.

"This transparent sphere..." Coralline was curious and she wanted to know what manner of sorcery is this device in front of her.

"I call it the NCP: [Nano Cryo-Preserver]. It can be used not only on this thing but to almost any other 'thing' that can be described as a heart. For now, I decided to use it as a preserver but in the future, I'm also planning to improve this design to be a bit more conventional and practical for field usage."

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