Chapter 142: The Box

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Chapter 142: The Box

He gave a call, "A package is coming. It's important to me so please secure it."

The one he contacted was Lily.

[Boss, the defenders are losing the Battle Zones.]

It was Cortana who reported.

Siva took a glance at a live video feed of his allies and his gaze stopped at one of the panel videos.

—towards Gaia's cocoon.

"If she can't survive this corruption, then I will kill her myself. Tell Lily to prepare."


After that, Siva didn't care anymore as he drank a second vial of Red Potion, looking at the direction of the hallway he was currently standing on.

He considered the more pressing problem.

"I have to find a way to get upwards."

[Just keep walking. Just keep walking. Just keep walking, walking, wa.....]

'Are you trying to be a fish?'

[It was just a suggestion, (grumpy ole grandpa).]


Cortana had learned how to whisper and grumble, like a teenager. Apparently, she was still too loud.

she's growing up way too fast...!

Siva didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Anyways, now that we've successfully kidnapped one of their Supremes, I bet the real Captain of the Ship won't be sitting on this one anymore."

[I'll keep my eye out, sir.]

Siva began walking.

"That earlier Lightning Bomb earlier... didn't we get a good energy boost from it?"

[Just 6%.]

"2500 PSS-Grenade worth of explosion and only a meager 6% in power boost?"

[Your design is really demanding, Boss.]


—Siva inwardly face palmed to comfort himself.


"He got El Bravo!"

"Your Highness. Your Highness!"

"How dare that Terran trample over our race!"

"You Highness, just one Supreme is already a bad loss and a great boost to Terrans but El Bravo had even [Released] his seal! If we let them use him as a weapon, then the Terrans will..."

"I KNOW!!! This Terran is clearly not in the level of an Immortal nor is he even at the verge of it. But he's using abilities that Immortals can... he's not normal, that I am sure of."

"But Your Highness...."

"Fret not. I will personally deal with this Terran. All units prepare for deployment. Retrieve El Bravo at once and kill every Terran in the ship's vicinity!"

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