Chapter 096: Henna's Nightmare

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Chapter 096: Henna's Nightmare

"Damn it." She used her right hand to manipulate her panel and equipped her Flight Armor with a last flick of her hand.


With a kick in midair, she propelled herself like a human rocket, flipping over trash cans and over-stacked newspapers, shattering cracked windows, and flicking over half-opened doors. Surrounding her were six black orbs of matter that formed six black spears. She wasn't going easy on him.

"I got you!"

Three on her left and three on her right, Efel launched an attack with her left hand as the claw-like black spears descended upon Julia with monstrous momentum.

"I've heard of you before! You're that notoriously troublesome Black Wizard Overlord!"


"What the..."

A swirling black matter also materialized around Julia in a form of a half-bodied ghastly figure with real clawed hands, a bulky shoulder, muscular limbs, and a head with a pair of curved horns. Its lower body was like a smoke, connected to Julia's shadow like another separate entity.

Despite being pure black in theme, this 'figure' is undoubtedly a reminiscent of a devil.

And what more, it wasn't just an ordinary devil; it was a familiar devil that had always appeared on games on random yet unforgettable occasions.

You can even say that this is a mascot for villains in almost all RPG titles in the past century.

"Baphomet!" FlowerLord was shocked. This was the 'entity' that blocked her attack just now.

Still, she could tell with certainty that although this is an attempt to create that impression of having this 'devil' as a familiar, it was nothing more than a [Form] of Julia's BlackTech Weaponry.

"Hmp." FlowerLord was only momentarily shocked but on the next instant, she used her remaining three unused black spears to deliver her angular attacks —a lesson she learned after fighting the 'cheating' puppets of the annoying Siva.

The attacks came in intervals which made it hard for Julia to dodge, defend, and even parry. He had no choice but to use [Baphomet] to protect his body as he was blown off towards a wall with that last monstrous strike.


Since they were inside the city, he wasn't injured by that attack. But the fact that he was blown off his feet and slammed into a wall carried mentally impacting damage. Player or NPCs, it may not be able to kill them but enough of that impact can still shake their brains to the point of collapsing.

«Unbreakable Object»

A notice appeared behind Julia. Baphomet was in a sorry state, hugging Julia who was groaning as he stood up. Its arms were falling off; body was in tatters... Julia may have been able to block Efel's attack but the sheer might behind that was still enough to injure him if they were outside the city.

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