Chapter 078: Trapped in Terroa

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Chapter 078: Trapped in Terroa

"For you to be able to attack them and still not see a sign of retaliation, then it means that perhaps the existence called the [Terran-Human Alliance] is a monster controlled by someone or something else... and this data-network seems to just be an outer shell that was made to monitor the outside world and collect information for the [Alliance]."

"I can sense that it's an AI on a whole different level that what is announced in the Net. It's using a very wide and a very intricate network. If I may perhaps use more power..."

"You already know what I am trying to avoid so why still ask about it?"

"Well, boss, although I can read your mind, I still can't process the reasoning behind it. I can always crush that AI and take over the system if you give me the order. Don't you want to remove all trouble on your back and not worry about anything?"

"Cortana, it's just part of the plan. But trust me; a living AI is more useful than a dead AI. I know you can crush that AI with a flick of your finger but what I want are subordinates who can lessen your burdens. What if the time comes that I need your entire processing ability but you can't give it since you are supporting the Alliance's mainframe?"

"Point taken."

On his vision, Cortana displayed an honest look of understanding and even gave him a gentle bow.

Her short and quick reply is also in accordance to her 'conversation partner's personality algorithm' setup.

"It is enough to negotiate with the AI. That way, we can ensure an equal degree of understanding with each other's goals. If that AI ends up owing us a favor, then we can make sure that whatever we ask of it will be granted without a hitch."

As usual, as soon as Siva thought of this, Cortana had already 'recorded and archived' it... although it was still far from actually 'understanding' it.

For now, she was limited to being able to process his thoughts according to a preset standard; but to actually understand it is still far-off in the future but not impossible.

She was built to learn, after all.

"Well, now that we have a bigger picture of the local data-network of the capital, navigating in the city had just become a piece of cake."

As soon as he thought of it, Cortana took action.

"I already sent the message to your friends. They will now be able to look for the information that we need and secure al of the necessary items."

"So the only thing left for us is Pistareen and the negotiation for Mega-Crates."

"Ah, regarding resources, boss. I would like to remind you that you have just officially bankrupted yourself."


"That 21 Million Zentra is your last money. You only have Z40,000 left in your wallet."

"Shit. No way..."

"You also only have 100 NanoCubes, 4 Plasma Smoke Screen Grenades, 30 Stun E-Grenades, and because you modified a few of your masks and gave it away to your organization as part of the special rewards for Apostles Promotion, you only have four anti-glare masks left in you."

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