Notes To Consider

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Also... Take NoTe:
I've yet to point this out but some of you have messaged me about it (eight people already, if my memory serves me right, and with the newest being just yesterday) that the way I narrate my story's VRMMORPG wasn't the same way as the other VRMMORPG titles out there.

Yes. As much as possible, I omitted as much "DING!" prompts as I could because I wanted to focus more on the "VR" part of this VRMMORPG story and not on the "MMORPG" part by which all of the stories I've seen tend to be stuck up into.

Since as some of you have already noticed and pointed it out, I might as well admit it; YES. I am a habitual divergent: as much as possible, I wanted to be different from the rest.

To tell you honestly, I really can't control it. When I notice that what I'm writing is somehow the same with another author's or have already been used in other materials (whether it is anime, movies, or other stories), I tend to always (un)consciously go for a divergent (original) path which takes me at least three to four days of thinking, re-designing, and re-evaluating from my original blueprint.

I deepest apologies for that since I unwillingly affect the pacing of the writing which also affects the releases of my posts.

But... please understand that for the sake of the bigger picture of the story, I purposely digressed to any general idea of a VRMMORPG for the sake of the future of the [Siva] title.

My original dream for Siva hasn't changed from the very first day I've began to write this story. My goal has always been to get an anime and manga adaptations... perhaps a movie!

It's a long shot, I know, but if you'd noticed, only the stories with an original theme and idea gets that very rare and hard to get chance of getting that cherished adaptation.

My dream is to see that happen that's why I am doing my best to write an original piece (story) with an original idea, fresh to the insights of our dear readers, something that might and will make them think and rethink of our title right after reading/seeing the last chapter of the story.

It's hard, I know, but guys... with your help, I am willing to give up mundane matters and focus on achieving this goal of ours by writing it as fast and as beautiful as possible.

My dear readers, this message for you guys may sound melancholic or corny, or so overly melodramatic, but this Christmas season, I just realized (again?!) just how short our lives are.

I may not be bright but I will make sure that I at least leave this story complete before I run out of time and space to flee from the authorities of life.

Hehehe... I'm not sick or dying so don't worry. It's just that I saw a crime scene close to our location and thought that if my fate had played a losing card in the game of life, I might have been the one who misfortunately have died in that incident.

Well, anyways, I'm gonna live long so f*ck it.


Again, the difference between a regular VRMMORPG story and my own "VRMMORPG" story is the fact that the original story of "Siva" has always been only 50% VRMMORPG element with the rest of the 50% an original and as well as references to the story of Siva "The Destroyer" as have been told in the Sanskrit-Vedas —which included the 'legends' of Pangu and how he created the Universe— and also references to the ancient Buddhist beliefs; Greek, Norse, Sumerian, and even Roman Mythologies and then a few more; even Draconian and Mid to Central Western European legends; including Islamic myths that I've painstakingly researched to be 'allowed' to be referenced to as 'material' to this novel.

Siva (Volume 6) Dead Man IslandWhere stories live. Discover now