Chapter 053: UNICORN's Plans

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Volume 6
Chapter 053: UNICORN's Plans

Just how many "Siva" have they all seen by now?

The emotionally violent and sometimes acting as a normal teenager, the "Destroyer" who they met in the Walled City of Aarun and had been hanging out with all this time...

Second is the Siva they saw in Dragona and in the Cellar Dungeons who can make them bow down using the in-game feature called [Resonance]...

And then this Rex who says he was a different "Siva" that they are yet to see appear in Terroa.

The third existence obviously brought endless worry for Matt.

Because from the sound of [Rex]'s words, then it seems that the last version was the ultimate form of [Siva] who was both a God and a Mortal.

If so.... then who is the one they saw in Dragona and the emotional 'Siva' they encountered in the Cellar Dungeons of Apus Epirus?

If he wasn't 'yet' the ultimate form, then what is?

Such a thought was making Matt shiver. If he did choose to 100% believe what Rex is saying, then just imagining the scale of mystery that surrounds RPG: Terroa alone is enough to cause any novel and movie writers in the world to have headaches.

Although he wasn't there, the all-knowing Fuma had long deliberated to them the legends and the fantastical lores of RPG: Terroa.

At one point, they all learned that there are indeed the existences of Gods that had established a few religious groups with eccentric features inside the game. There was the Goddess of Love, Freya...

...God of Discord, Fenrir

...God of Prosperity, Avon

...Goddess of Peace and Unity, Elizabeth

...Goddess of Light and Darkness, Medusa

...God of Creation, Janus

...and then there was the existence of a legend of a being that brought forth immeasurable fear and dread to the hearts of people; that although he is spoken to as a God, he was treated as a bane.

He was the God of Death, Mefisto.

Ever since the controversial events that occurred in the War of Two Powers in Eastern Continent of Espada that led to the destruction of the Mooran Fortress guarding Xiargoal-6 Mining City, the existence of this so called "Rogue", Mefisto, had long been linked into the "God of Death" that existed in the legends... all because they have the same name.

Many articles regarding this issue had long spread far and wide across the net. And as professional adventurers themselves, Volt and his crew had long since treated these articles important.

The Sylphiadora Guild and the Titan Goliath Guild who had been the victims of this NPC's evil plans, had joined forces and is, until now, searching for this NPC's whereabouts.

In the Continent of Espada, the Sylphs and TGG are but two of the First Rate Organizations in The East that are below the mammoth existence of "The Union".

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