Chapter 041: Siva and Gabriel (1)

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I'm currently sick. Wasn't able to write anything this week. This is your advanced chapter this week and so I will be posting next week's update around Sunday at best...

Really, this headache is killing me.

Please leave me a VOTE so that we can push for our story to be #1 in the genre list in this Volume. We're currently #12 as of this post's writing.

Enjoy the read and please, again, do not forget to leave me that small little VOTE.

Volume 6
Chapter 041: Siva and Gabriel (1)

Alexandria's solitary peak...

Chillingly cold in the morning and bone-stabbingly unkind during the night, the temperature drops by the tens the higher you seek the wondrous sight in the mountain tops.

But just like the colorful mountainous peaks of the Ungoverned Afghanistan during the winter and summer seasons, the higher you go the heights, the more beautiful the sights will be.

...though the current situation doesn't allow these people to go and sightsee.

Following the snowy path, as led by Siva, Eleanor, Kathleen Brew, FlowerLord, Scion, Fuma, Thorn, Volt, and Pitou all wore thick fur coats just so they could cancel out the cold. Their destination was the top and they were already freezing.

Nobody can climb this mountain using other tools, not even Centipedes who specialized in cold, icy terrains could do so. Only with one's feet while following this certain path could one be able to traverse this cold mountain and reach the place that they wish to at the top.

This was a mountain with a unique barrier that, if the five youths could see it, would know that it was a barrier that did not exist here before.

Therefore, it was a barrier placed here much later.

...perhaps even just a few days ago.

For who-knows-how-long, they reached another turn, aside from Scion and Eleanor who held very high concentration of Mana and thus had naturally more defense against this biting cold, the rest had their teeth clattering at each other and making a sound that could tell you just how cold it is.

"Are we there yet?" asked Kathleen who looked like a red-colored snowball with arms and legs. A single glance could tell you just how many layers of coats she was wearing.

"We should be close." Siva assured for, perhaps, the 47th-49th time. He lost count already and she wasn't the first to complain—

In fact, Siva was the one who wanted to complain.

Just who told you guys to follow me?

Alas, he could only inwardly grumble. Scion was the one who first insisted and Siva can't say no to her for some reason; so FlowerLord will also not stay put while Kathleen's ability to sniff something exciting was top-notched.

Since Kathleen was going, Thorn and Volt will also not miss this game; Fuma came for the sake of research and documentary; while Pitou was pulled by Kathleen Brew for the sake of 'dismantling traps', if any (although Pitou just happens to enter the meeting room after Scion insisted on coming).

—and all of them asked the same questions and Siva had answered them all the same way.

Siva's curse had an extra ability to cancel half of the cold, as it turns out. And so, he was the least thickly dressed and so his pace was the fastest.

When they turned this curve, the booming edge of the mountain assaulted their eyes and they saw the mid-day view of Alexandria in the not too far a distance.

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