Chapter 006: The Quest of Zola

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Chapter 006: The Quest of Zola

Though he couldn't help but to feel remorse that he can't personally hide the Big Black Ball, Siva still tried to at least show that he was trying to protect it by giving out an order to build a warehouse-building to at least shield the object from outside visions.

As such, temporary human walls were erected around the Big Black Ball and companies over platoons and squads of protectors were placed on strategic positions in the now dubbed as "Sword-God Island" to protect the objet that will become the future pillar of power that will propel this branch of The Company into the pedestal of glory in the entirety of Terroa.

Spyder Cargo Trucks carrying ground-based anti-air magic towers were placed around the object; Cyclone Squads floated and patrolled steadily in a protective formation, with some even anchored around and above the island waiting for immediate action in case of any sudden attacks...

For such a tough and mean job, a tough and mean personage was required for the task.

And the only person who perfectly fit that role was none other than the unsociable and yet fiery tempered little beauty.... Coralline.

Her instructions and way of handling this task was superb and her personality perfectly fits the criteria of requirements for this job.

As a result, she established a very tight security.

It was clear that Siva and The Company had put a large importance to this Big Black Ball and the matter of mobilizing forces for this task had caught the attention of the media agents.

Although the live broadcast of the battle had already finished, it was still an additional income to get some few exclusive shots of the thing that The Company wanted to protect.

But of course, such undercover work was not a legal action since while public events like the appearance of the Colossi is uncontrollable and is subject to public attention, exclusive scoops on a private property such as the Sword-God Island is already a breach of private affairs.

Yes, this is Terroa and real-world laws do not apply here and as such, no real-world laws are also in effect on how the owner of the land deals with the trespassers.

The limits of human patience can be fully released in this kind of place.

As such, the media agents who wanted to try their luck on taking these exclusive shots have been shot down or arrested, and their camera drones confiscated with their recording all erased.

"You can't do that?! That is personal property!"

"This is against social equality!"

"You're going against the freedom of expression!"

"Where's my freedom of speech here?! I demand you to give me back my drone!"

Of course, defiant agents were speaking about their rights and such but no matter what they said, there was only one phrase that Coralline replied.

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