Chapter 094: The Inquisitor

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Chapter 094: The Inquisitor

"Why are you in my residence?" this was the first phrase the man spoke to Siva and Siva is already having that slight inkling of trashing his face.

"And what made you think this is your residence, Lord Malory?" the one who retorted was Scarlet with a fuming pout that made her all the more attractive. It was clear she wasn't used to cases of provocation such as this moment.

"Hm? Isn't that Little Red Riding Hood? And how is it that a High Magistrate of your level is wearing that housekeeper outfit?" Lord Malory spoke with disdain as he looked at Siva, "And you. Who are you?"

Siva only remained silent.

"Are you deaf? Lord Malory is asking you a direct question. Who the hell are you and what are you doing in Lord Malory's residence in the Capital?"

Siva's impression of this "Vassal of Lord Malory" is not good in the first place but when he spoke, he clearly caught sight of him glancing lewdly at Scion which made his face twitch.

He called, "Destroy him."

"Yes sir."


"No one...."


"NO. ONE................."



Usually, air-combos are only seen on 2D video games and their charm was more evident if there are colors included when the combo takes place.

Also, there should be a hit-rate indicator but this one instance was a special case where there are no light-effects whenever there was a hit and no hit counter whenever it happens.

From the moment Siva's command was given, to the moment a 'ninja' appeared in front of that 'Vassal of Lord Malory', to the moment the first punch was given, and then to the moment the white limousine was split into two and their parts thrown off upside down the courtyard, only two seconds had passed.

The poor guy's body hit the limousine and then split it into two and from there, the sounds of his trashing resounded until five seconds later, the sounds stopped... but Siva's voice didn't.

"No one... is allowed to look at my woman with a pair of eyes layered with disrespect. Do we have an understanding, Lord Malory?"

Siva's voice was hissing with fury yet still calm.

That 'Vassal' was one thing but Lord Malory also had the same pair of eyes as his vassal and it was only because the latter trashed talked that he was the first to receive Siva's outburst.

Malory glanced back and saw his white limo 50m away from them, split in two, and upside down like two dead ducklings.

He snapped to look back at Siva with a burning fury, "How dare—" but before he could even say the full sentence, he stopped to see two hulking figures looking down and standing on either side of him.

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