Chapter 024: A Letter

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A/N: From this point on, I will be using [memories] as a proper noun to differentiate the new set of memories from his normal memories.

Please enjoy the chapter.

Volume 6
Chapter 024: A Letter

Akhenaton didn't have to do anything and only gave it a thought as Eleanor and the four ladies behind her were teleported after a flash of light that engulfed their bodies.

Siva then turned to Scion who stood up and made her way to his side in a hurry. FlowerLord glaring at him, and nothing else, kept seated behind.

"Rex, please don't be angry with her. She was only thinking for my sake."

Siva didn't remove his mask and only gave her a smile that could scare a crying baby to silence.

He faced FlowerLord, "I understand that you are angry at me for your reasons, but..." he then gave Scion a glance and sighed as the arm that's pulled by Scion became heavy as it landed on his side.

Scion's face furrowed as if she was about to cry and this made FlowerLord frown even deeper as she stood up and went beside her.

"...understand it or not, the people who had my neck and have Baron's life in their hands aren't the type of people that can be threatened by the mere mention and existence of the police. Even the UNICORN with their armies wouldn't even make them flinch..."

Smart people could read between the lines on his words and FlowerLord could.

Unfortunately, Scion wasn't able to read them.

"Rex, what are you talking about? Are you going to push me away again? Why don't you just tell me what's going on so I can help you solve it?"

"Mandy." Before Scion could receive more painful words as a reply from him, FlowerLord pulled her hand and shook her head. "It's best that we give him space to solve his issues and be contented to be close to him like this for now."

There was a hint of mockery and sarcasm on her tone and set of words but FlowerLord also meant them literally and was simple enough for Scion to understand them.

Her last few words also meant that she also do care about Scion's visible feelings for Rex.

After all, Scion wasn't really that dull-headed and simple-minded to not understand simple and direct words, especially when it was spoken by a friend whom she trusts wholeheartedly.

Scion bit her lip and crumpled the hand she had reached out to grab hold of Siva's arm again, pulling it back weakly and staring at his face.

After spending two seconds in silence and giving Siva a trembling, near-crying gaze, a bright light also engulfed the two of them as they were teleported away by Akhenaton with the most perfect of timings.

Siva gave him a nod of thanks and Akhenaton gave him a bow before vanishing himself.

Siva then faced the two advisers, "When did the Archangel arrive? I kind of feel that it was earlier than the eight days they said."

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