Chapter 083: I Do Not Plan To Get Along

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Chapter 083: I Do Not Plan To Get Along

On the five of them, he was the only human.

Being the focus of hate and hostility, Zelga had no choice but shrink his shoulders. By now, he had already lost all of his face. If there was a hole he jump down and hide into, he would have done it so a long time ago.

"Venerable." Siva's voice broke the hostile air in the room as he stepped forth.

And while he did so, he didn't forget to eye the lackey whose been badmouthing from earlier.

With but a thought command, the [Smasher] took a step forward and without restraint punched the man in the face...............and buried his head to the wall like a plant.

The sheer speed of that attack surrounded all eyes that saw it, including, and without a mistake, the Venerable.

Lady Brea, however, had long been aware of his identity and she didn't say a word or warning nor a word of apology.

Zelga was overbearingly arrogant. He brought this mess upon himself.

The attack was so fast and so powerful that the man was immediately sent out of the game and is forcefully logged out.

It was an attack on that degree.

Zelga gulped down his courage.

Just imagining the humiliation and the pain if he was the one to be forcefully logged out after just one punch from a gorilla in full armor. He might mentally collapse for his pride might not be able to bear the brunt of it.

"I told you, right?" Siva hissed through his faceless mask.

Now that Zelga got a look out of him. His faceless persona was quite terrifying. There was a monster hidden in his body and yet, there was no way to see what that monster looked like. Such a notion was quite terrifying to some degree to Zelga.

What if a mouth suddenly open somewhere in that mask and bite his face?

What is his eyes were mouths and when he come closer, it will suddenly open and...

What if...

What if.......

What if...........

His imagination won't stop and it was killing him from within. He stared at the approaching Siva and his monstrous presence was making him stop his breathing naturally.

Zelga wasn't even aware that he was sweating very large beads of sweat.

"Being held here for two hours... do you know how much business I lost here?"

Zelga swallowed.

Being castigated by a High Magistrate of the Enchantment Temple of all people, he didn't have the earlier arrogance he once carried on his bones when he was seated on his seat.

Looking at him now, legs together, shoulders in a stooping angle, face sweating, body trembling... he was just like a cat picked up from the river.

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