I. Your First Day

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"Earth to (Y/N)..."

Your head snapped towards the sound of your uncle's voice. "What?"

"I've been talking to you for the past 5 minutes. Have you not been listening, kiddo?" he chuckled.

You looked back towards the dashboard of the car your uncle was driving sullenly. "Mm, I guess not. Sorry," you dismissed him, flatly.

"Nervous about your first day?"

"That's not exactly the word I'd use," you said as you crossed your arms and looked out the window.

Angry was more like it. Angry for having to leave a home you'd grown to love throughout your childhood. Angry for having to leave behind friends you'd known for years. But most of all, you were angry that you had no choice in the matter but to just go. It was as if your entire foundation and everything you'd grown to love were stripped from underneath you in a matter of days. And you could do absolutely nothing about it. You had no control.

Your first day would soon begin at Shujin Academy but everyone else's day would be like any other. You were the outsider; fresh meat at a new school. It made your stomach twist in anxiety just thinking about it. You let out an audible sigh and twiddled your thumbs nervously while you continued to stare out the window.

Your uncle noticed your obvious nervousness and took one of his hands off the steering wheel and placed it on your shoulder. "It's a prestigious school, (Y/N). You'll be just fine."

"Yeah, because all prestigious schools have teachers that have been busted for sexually harassing their female students and physically assaulting their male students."

It had been a few months since the shocking confession from the highly praised Suguru Kamoshida, a teacher - ahem, ex-teacher - at Shujin Academy. The ex-Olympic star hadn't quite made an appearance to the public since a myriad of students came forward with allegations against him, but he still had made a serious dent in Shujin Academy's prestigious image.

"Let's not focus on that. It happened in the past and everything has calmed down for now."

"Except for the Phantom Thieves hype, right?" you noted, appreciatively.

The Phantom Thieves had become a symbol of hope for you and many others. They took matters into their own hands to rid Japan's society of evil individuals. They were like anonymous superheroes; fighting crimes in the dark but bringing society's issues to light. You admired everything they stood for and only wish you had the courage they somehow possessed.

Your uncle laughed, "I guess not. Anyway, who are you meeting before class?"

You tilted your head in confusion before suddenly remembering you had to meet with the student council president before class. "Oh, yeah! Thanks for reminding me!" you exclaimed as you reached into your bag for a piece of paper with instructions. You scanned it quickly before mumbling, "Hmm, it says her name is Makoto Niijima and she'll be in the student council room...wherever that is." You paused for a second before groaning, "Aw man, I think I left my map of the school at home."

"Well, now you'll be forced to socialize and make friends to navigate your way around Shujin," your uncle joked.

You giggled nervously. "Let's hope the students and faculty are nice to newcomers."

You and your uncle sat in a comfortable silence on the rest of the ride to Shujin Academy. As he dropped you off at the side of the school, you each said your goodbyes and he wished you luck on your first day. As he drove off, you turned around and entered the alleyway that led to the school.

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now