XXVIII. Are You Serious?

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Akira decided to walk you home with Morgana once you reached Yongen-Jaya. It was a clear and quiet night. No one roamed the streets since the weather was beginning to get cold so it was eerily silent.

When a cold gust of wind hit you and Akira, you shivered softly. Basking in a silent walk wouldn't keep your mind off the cold, so you decided to talk to Akira to distract you.

"So, should I text Akechi about meeting up?"

"No need. Ryuji is doing that."

You gasped. "What!? Ryuji!?"

Akira chuckled. "Don't worry. He said he'd rather do it then have Akechi text you."

You then reached the steps to your apartment. "That doesn't make me feel better..." you said as you frowned and walked up the stairs.

"Don't worry, Y/N. If he steps out of line, I'll talk to him."

You nodded slowly and gave a weak smile. "Thank you so much, Akira... for everything."

"Don't thank me. Just making sure that we make it safely out of your father's Palace."

You nodded and sighed. "Right. Well, thanks for walking me home. See you later."

Just as you turned to open the door of your apartment, Akira put his hand on your shoulder. You turned around to look at him. "Y/N. Ryuji loves you. A lot. He won't do anything that could possibly jeopardize your safety."

You nodded. "I know..."

"And if Akechi tries anything, he'll have to answer to me," Akira said with a cheeky smirk.

You giggled. "That actually does make me feel better."

"Good. It should."

You smiled before turning back around and entering into your apartment.

As you closed the door behind you, you felt your phone vibrate.

Ryuji: We're all set to meet up with Akechi tomorrow.
You: Cool, where are we meeting up?
Ryuji: Uh... Leblanc.
You: ? What? Why there?
Ryuji: Asshole told me I'd be less likely to make a scene in a quiet cafe, especially with Boss around.

You laughed out loud. Though you hated to admit it, Akechi did have a point.

You: Aww, want me to beat him up for you? :P
Ryuji: If you think that'd solve the problem, then by all means...
You: Does he know why we're meeting with him?
Ryuji: Eh, I didn't spend too much time explainin' it to him. But, I'm sure he can figure it out.
You: Well, okay then. I'm gonna head to bed then. I'm pooped.
Ryuji: WAIT! Send me a pic.

You raised an eyebrow.

You: Of what?
Ryuji: You...

You stared at your phone, incredulously.

You: Are you crazy!?
Ryuji: I miss your body... :(
You: RYUJI!!
Ryuji: What?
You: Do you realize what you're asking!? If Tito caught me, I'd be dead.
Ryuji: He don't gotta know.
You: Good night, Ryuji.
Ryuji: Wait, I was joking!! I'm sorry! Come back!
You: I love you. :x Night!<3
Ryuji: :P Night, babe. I love you too.

You rolled your eyes. This boy... You pushed whatever intimate and shy feelings came out of his text to the back of your head. You had other things to worry about. You needed to be well-rested if you were going to go up against Akechi tomorrow. No, this isn't a fight. It's just teammates talking with each other and trying to overcome a problem. You nodded to yourself. I'll do everything I can to fix this issue.

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now