XVIII. Dinner with a Disguised Devil

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At around 6:58pm you heard a doorbell and a knock on your door. You quickly texted Akira to turn on the listening device attached to you. You then got up from your couch and grabbed your keys and bag from the kitchen and answered the door. You were immediately met with a toothy grin from Akechi.

"Hey, Akechi," you greeted politely with a smile.

"Good evening, Y/N. Ready to go?"

"Yeah," you said, stepping outside and closing and locking the door behind you. "Let's go."


"Alright, here we go. It starts now," Morgana said. "Listen carefully for anything suspicious."

Futaba, Akira, Morgana, and Ryuji sat around the table in Akira's room. Snacks and drinks were spread out around Futaba's laptop on the table. Ryuji leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table as they all listened in on the audio coming from the laptop.

"You look beautiful this evening," the teens heard Akechi say.

Ryuji fidgeted in his seat. "Asshole," he grumbled.

Morgana frowned. "Ryuji, relax. Friends can compliment each other too."

Ryuji crossed his arms as he bounced his leg nervously.

"You can make it through this," Akira said, trying to reassure Ryuji.

Ryuji was always the first to stand behind Akira's decisions but this decision in particular didn't sit too well with him. No one here had to sacrifice a cherished relationship for the sake of some intel. No one here had to sit still while their significant other went on what obviously was a date with a person they didn't trust. But, most importantly, no one here took Ryuji's feelings fully into consideration. If that were the case, they would have thought hard about another way to gain some information on Akechi. But, Ryuji decided to grin and bear it because he had to trust you. You wouldn't hurt him. He knew that much.

So, for now, all Ryuji could do was sigh and nod.


When you arrived at the Ginza sushi bar, the host seated you at the bar and you gave your orders to the chefs.

You sat cross-legged on the chair with your hands in your lap. You didn't even look towards Akechi. You just focused your attention on the chefs making your food. To be honest, you were really nervous; your sweaty palms an indicator of that. You prayed that Akechi wouldn't make a move on you tonight because if the mic picked that up, a certain individual with bleached hair wouldn't be very happy. You just hoped that Akechi really did just want to get to know you as a friend.

"Is something wrong, Y/N?" Akechi asked.

You looked at Akechi next to you and mustered up a smile. "Nope! Just, um, curious as to how they prepare our sushi."

Akechi grinned. "Well, as fascinating as that is, I was hoping we could chat a bit. You were rather quiet on the train ride here."

"I'm sorry, Akechi. I-"

"Please. Call me Goro," he smiled.

"G-Goro. Right. Sorry, I'm just nervous."

Akechi raised an eyebrow. "Why would you be nervous?"

Shit. Make up something, Y/N! "Uhm, because you're a famous detective?" You lied. "And... uh, you want to be my friend?"

Akechi chuckled. "Though I'm well-known, I'm not very special. So, you have nothing to be nervous about."

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