XXXXI. Regret

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7:46 PM

"Y/N!?" A seemingly distant voice called your name.

You eased your eyes open slowly. An endless stream of bright, white lights blurred past your line of sight and you blinked slowly while your eyes adjusted.

Pieces of the world came together as your vision cleared. You felt your body moving slightly from side to side on a surface you were laying on top of.  A bed?

The skid of wheels against a hallway floor rung in your ears as doors and people flashed by.

"Y/N! Baby, can you hear me?" you heard a familiar voice yell.


"Sir, you're going to need to wait in the waiting room," you heard a man say.

"I'm not going anywhere until I know what's going on!" Your blood was stained on his hands and shirt.

"We need you to stay calm," he said. "We're checking her vitals now and will be prepping her for surgery."

"Surgery!?" Tito yelled. "Is she going to be okay!?"

"Sir, please. Let us do our job. You can't follow us into the surgery room," the man said, his voice going distant as the nurses rolled you away from him.

"Y/N!" Tito called out.

You wanted Tito to be with you. You wanted to call out his name to let him know you heard him. You wanted to tell him you weren't going to leave him. But, you couldn't find your voice. You had no energy.

"She's awake," a nurse said, quickly looking up at a woman on the other side of you.

You moved your eyes to the woman slowly.

"Stay with us, Y/N," she said softly as she moved some hair off your sweaty forehead. Her hand was on a rubber device held against your face.

An oxygen mask?

You felt your eyes growing watery, feeling scared suddenly. You then felt a faint pain near your abdomen.

"She's bleeding a lot," you heard someone frantically say. You couldn't see their face.

Bleeding... You weakly furrowed your eyebrows as this evening's past events came back to you.

The sound that rung through Yongen.

Excruciating pain in your abdomen.

Two men running off.


Nothing. Only darkness.

The woman looked towards the source of the voice. "Keep putting pressure on the wound." She then looked to you. Her eyes squinted as she smiled under her medical mask. "Shhh... You're going to be just fine, sweetheart," she said as she wiped a tear that fell from the corner of your eye.

"We need to prep her for surgery," a nurse said, his voice beginning to sound as though it were far away.

"She isn't stable just yet. Her blood pressure is dropping."

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now