XXXIV. Don't Want No Drama-ma

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Author's note:

I swear I love you guys. I can't tell you how much I laughed with some of your comments on the last chapter, especially those who wanted drama between Akechi and Ryuji. Y'all are some instigators and I live for it, haha.

But anyway, I'm also really surprised at how many of you wanted to tell Ryuji the truth! I love that you all value honesty! So, here's a chapter just for that.

Also, shout out to anyone who got the reference in the title. ♪ XOXO


"Hey, Yusuke wants to meet up at Cafe Leblanc, guys," Akira announced to the gang as you were leaving Shujin.

Ann adjusted the bag on her shoulder. "Sure! I can go for some coffee."

"Yes, I would like that very much as well," Haru agreed.

"Yeah, I'm down. Not like we got anythin' to do anyways."

Makoto put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow. "Don't you have homework to do, Ryuji?"

"Come oooon. It ain't like the teachers expect much anyway."

You wrapped your arm around Ryuji's and looked at Makoto. "He'll do his homework. I'll make sure of it."

You heard Ryuji sigh as Makoto gave you a knowing smile.

As you all began walking towards Cafe Leblanc, Ryuji looked down at you and whispered, "Come on. Really, Y/N?"

You furrowed your eyebrows and looked up. "Do you really want to stay back a year, Ryuji? I'm only looking out for you."


You smiled as you squeezed his arm softly and he leaned down and kissed you on the lips.


Upon entering into Leblanc, you immediately noticed Akechi sitting at the counter, talking to Yusuke and sipping his coffee.

Your eyes widened and you immediately pulled Ryuji outside. He yelped loudly as he banged his arm on the door, causing the other teens to turn around and give the two of you a strange look.

Once the door closed and you were left alone outside with Ryuji, he rubbed his arm with a pained expression. "Shit, man. The hell was that for, Y/N?"

"I have to tell you something and it might make you mad but I need to get it off my chest before you hear it from the wrong person."

Ryuji have you a strange expression before stiffening his posture. "...Is everything okay?"


"Don't beat around the bush, Y/N. Just tell me," he said with a serious tone.

You heard the bell ring as the door of Cafe Leblanc opened. Sojiro stepped out and greeted the two of you with a tip of his hat. "Hello."

"Hi, Boss," you smiled politely.

"Hey," Ryuji said, uninterested.

"What are you two doing out here? Everyone is inside."

"Oh! Um, I just had to ask Ryuji a question about something in class," you lied.

Sojiro raised an eyebrow. "Out here, alone? Aren't you here to do homework?"

"Yes, but this was something specific to our class."

"Well, don't stay out here for too long. I don't want you to catch cold."

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