XXXI. Back to a Normal Life

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"Oof," Ryuji groaned loudly as you landed on top of him after you were blown out of your father's Palace.

"Ow... sorry." You looked around and noticed everyone else sprawled out across the floor.

Akira was the first to get up and dust off his Shujin pants. "Everyone okay?"

As the other teens nodded or grunted in response, you got off of Ryuji slowly and picked yourself up. "I'm good."

"Man, another Palace done! Where's the treasure!?" Ryuji yelled excitedly and stood up.

You pushed Ryuji's shoulder lightly. "Shhh, Ryuji. We're outside of my dad's ba-"

"What the hell is all that noise outside?" you heard someone yell from inside your father's bar.

"Uh-oh, get up! Let's go!" you harshly whispered to the teens, causing everyone to get up quickly and start running.

Fortunately, the doors of the bar opened with a loud slam just as you made your escape.


When you made it to the train station, Ryuji slapped his hands onto his knees, breathing heavily. "D-did we escape?"

Akira crossed his arms. "Yeah, we're in the clear."

"Your big mouth could've gotten us into some serious trouble, Ryuji!" Ann criticized.

"Whatever. Where's the treasure?"

Morgana popped his head out of Akira's bag. "Here it is!"

Akira slid his bag off his arms and pulled out the old trophy belonging to your father. It looked like the one in the Palace but it was a little more beaten up with scuff marks on the wood and scratches on the gold star.

"Huh... This must've been the award that catapulted my father into a successful acting career."

Makoto observed it. "He must've felt quite powerful after getting it... It's no wonder he treated women as though they were beneath him."

"Well, what should we do with it? I don't want it," you said.

"Let's sell it and have a party with the money!" Ryuji exclaimed.

Everyone's smiles grew as they began talking over each other about what they should do with the money.

"Oooh, sushi! Sushi!" Morgana yelled.

"We already did that! Let's do something else!" Ryuji exclaimed.

"I didn't even get any!!"

"Let's go to a huge arcade!" Futaba yelled.

"Oh, that's good," Ryuji agreed.

"Not all of us would like that. We need to find something that we can all agree on," Ann interjected.

"We need to figure out how much this trophy can sell for before we can figure out where we want to go," Makoto said.

"I can help with that," Akechi politely added with a raise of his hand.

"Guys," Akira interrupted them. "Let's decide this later. I'm really tired."

The other teens stopped talking and nodded at their leader.

"He's right. We've accomplished a great deal today and we need our rest," Yusuke said.

Haru nodded. "Yes, let us reconvene through text later to discuss what we should do."

Everyone finally agreed before bidding their farewells and going their separate ways. You held Ryuji's hand as you walked next to Akira and Futaba towards the train to Yongen. You all walked slowly as you were beginning to feel the effects of the exhaustion brought on from your fight with Kuro.

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now