XXXXIII. Kuro's Change of Heart

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"What the hell are you doing here?" Tito asked, walking towards Kuro threateningly.

You looked between your father and uncle, taking notice of the feeling of tension growing in the room as well as the nauseating anxiety bubbling within the pit of your stomach.

Your father looked worn out and tired. A lock of hair fell over his eyes as he looked down towards the floor, his face unshaven and pale. He wore a wrinkled white T-shirt with a black jacket with faded dark blue jeans. His shoes were old and worn.

"Theodore, please," your father responded, his voice low and tired.

Mr. Nakamoto hummed in confusion. "Hm? Who is this man?"

"I'm her father," Kuro said, stepping towards you.

"No!" Tito yelled. "Get the hell away from her!" He then grabbed Kuro by his collar aggressively, forcing Kuro to pick his head up and look at Tito. "After everything you've put us through, you don't get to have the satisfaction of speaking to her!"

Mr. Nakamoto stepped in between the two men to diffuse the situation. "Please, let's stop this."

"I didn't come here to fight..." Kuro said, softly, not looking at anyone in particular. "I... I came here to speak to Y/N... I wanted to apologize to her before I..." he trailed off. He then hung his head low and began to sob.

You couldn't see him as Tito's large, muscular figure was blocking him from your view. However, you did hear his soft cries.

You didn't know what to feel. The only feelings you ever associated with your father were anger and fear. But, here he was... a shell of a man riddled with sadness and regret. Your widened your eyes in realization. So, it worked. We got him! You felt hopeful all of a sudden, a small smile beginning to tug at the corner of your lips. You exhaled from your nose, trying to calm your excitement.

Your full relief wouldn't come until he confessed his crimes and apologized to you.

"I want to speak with him." Your voice immediately pierced the tension in the room.

Everyone turned their heads toward you. Your uncle was the first to express his opposition to your request but you ignored him. No one would stop you from receiving the closure you longed for.

"Please leave us alone," you requested. "I'd like to speak to my father now." You looked at Tito. "Just the two of us."

Tito immediately let go of your father and walked to your bed. His voice then dropped to a whisper. "You're not serious, are you?"

"Tito... please. I need this."

Tito stared back at you. His eyes scanned your face, desperately trying to spot any indication of ill-placed humor. Now wasn't the time for jokes, but he hoped you weren't serious.

You noticed panic appear on his face and you felt guilty for a few seconds, but you know what you wanted was the right choice. You wanted - no, needed - to speak to your father now. Nothing would stop you.

"I'll be okay," you whispered, reassuring him.

Your uncle exhaled through his nose and nodded slowly. "Okay... but I will be right outside that door, alright?" he said, pointing to the door across the room.

You nodded and offered him a small smile, to which he ruffled your hair and smiled back.

He then turned around towards Kuro and pointed his finger in your father's face. "If you so much as lay one finger on her, you'll be praying I wasn't outside that door."

Your father looked up at him, his eyes red and swollen. "I won't hurt her."

"You better not," Tito said, walking past Kuro and butting shoulders with him.

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now