IV. You're Not Alone

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You couldn't believe it. He actually found you. You placed your back against the counter and slid onto the cold kitchen floor. You couldn't think straight. You looked at the letter in disbelief, your hands trembling as you held onto it. It hadn't even been a few days since you moved to Yogen-Jaya.

How the hell did he find you!? Did he have spies here? I mean...he could afford them with his lucrative underground business. But who could they possibly be?

Your thoughts became a jumbled mess as it became harder to breathe. No... no... what am I going to do?  You inhale. I need to calm down. You exhale. You focused on your breathing but couldn't quite shake off the feeling of fear that was slowly creeping on you.

No, I refuse to be paranoid right now.

You felt tears stinging the corner of your eyes.

No, I'm not going to cry. A teardrop slowly escaped from your eye and ran down your cheek. I'm not going to cry. You wrapped your arms around your legs and pulled them closer to your chest. You placed your forehead against your knees. I can't be weak. That's what he expects of me.

It wasn't long before you heard a choked sob that took you a few seconds to realize was your own. Your shoulders shook as you relieved yourself of the emotions slowly piling up since reading your father's letter. Sadness, anxiety, and fear washing over you, drowning you in a sea of negativity.

Your memories all came rushing forward. Memories you wish would just disappear into the void, never to be recovered again. You squeezed your eyes shut and placed your hands on your temples.

Young girls sitting in a dark room. The eerie sound of rattling chains dragged along the floor loudly ringing in your ears. A scream. Warm liquid splattered across your face. Blood? More screaming. So much screaming.

You couldn't piece the entire image together. You didn't want to.


You jumped up, startled, and hit the back of your head against the cabinet you were laying against. Your hand immediately shot towards the area of pain. "Ouch..."


You looked towards your school bag on the counter. You got up slowly wiping away stray tears on your hot face. You grabbed your phone out of your bag. You smiled for the first time since entering your apartment.

Ryuji: Hey! Just thought I'd text u to make sure u got home safely
Hmm...time to fake a smile?
You: :) I'm home. Thanks!

You sighed out loud. Ding.

Ryuji: cool. So...see you at school tomorrow?
You: yes :) see you tomorrow
Ryuji: awsome have a great night
You: night Ryuji

You wanted to talk to him more but you were still pretty upset over your father's letter. You were afraid your emotions would somehow sneak into your text messages, ultimately ruining the façade you were trying to portray over texts to Ryuji. I can't burden someone I just met with my family drama.

You sniffed and wiped your nose. You looked at the letter still in your hand and debated on what to do with it. I could throw it out and pretend I never found it but that wouldn't do anything to solve the problem. Maybe I should keep it as evidence....

In the end, you decided to hide it in the dresser in your room so Tito wouldn't find it. You felt bad keeping the letter a secret from him but you didn't want to worry him just yet. As you walked back into the kitchen, you noticed a yellow sticky note on the fridge door.

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now