XXXIX. Girl's Night

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Your head shot up from your pillow as you grabbed your phone and stared at your screen in the dark. Am I really seeing this? You rubbed your eyes to take away the sleepiness and immediately felt your stomach drop when you took a look at the messages again.

"What the hell..." you whispered.

Your fingers hovered over the keyboard on your phone. Should I text back?

As you were debating what to do, you suddenly heard footsteps out in the hallway, causing you to snap your head towards your door. Your eyes were trained on the light shining beneath the door as you held your breath.

You immediately felt a moment of relief when you heard Tito yawning loudly in the hallway and closing the bathroom door.

You released the breath you were holding in and looked back at your phone. Fuck it.

You: Who is this?

You furrowed your eyebrows.

You: Is this a prank?

You groaned. What the fuck am I supposed to do now!? A million thoughts raced through your head. Is this a joke that the guys are playing on me? You shook your head. There's no way they could be that cruel. What if... no. It couldn't be, right...?

A knock on your door suddenly startled you. You clutched your chest as you took a moment to catch your breath. "Y-yes?"

Tito opened the door and stuck his head in. "Hey, kiddo. What are you doing up?"

You bit your lip. I can't keep this a secret. It could be dangerous.

I have to tell him...

"Hey, can you come in?"

Tito walked in and turned on the lamp before sitting down on your bed. "You okay? You look pale." He then put the back of his hand on your forehead. "You don't feel hot or anything..."

You moved his hand from your face and handed your phone to him to look at the text messages. Tito raised an eyebrow and looked at the screen.

His whole body tensed up immediately as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Y/N, please tell me this is a joke," he said slowly.

You shook your head. "I just got the messages. I don't know who they're from."

Tito got up from your bed and walked over to your window to look outside. He then shut the curtains and turned around to face you. "When was it again that you said your father would confess?"


He exhaled through his nose. "That's about three days from now."

You nodded slowly. "Why?"

"This has to be those shit heads trying to mess with us." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Honey, I'm going to need to borrow your phone for tomorrow."

"What? Why?"

"Don't worry about it. I just need it," he dismissed you. "Now, come on. You're sleeping in my room tonight."


"No buts. Hurry up."

You sighed. No point in fighting his decision. Frankly, you were too tired to do so but, most of all, you trusted Tito. He knew what he was doing. He had to. So, without another word, you grabbed your pillow, blanket, and bunny and made your way to his room.


It always surprised you how neat Tito's room was. He didn't look like the type to keep it clean. He had Dark Angels memorabilia hanging on the walls and pictures of him with his buddies from the club. You wondered where they were all now.

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now