Author's note: An Update and Thanks❤️

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Hi guys!

I just want to take the time again to thank you for all your support on A Feeling From Deep Within. It's been overwhelming with all the kind comments I've received over the months, but also recently with this story reaching its end.

This book would've never gained the success without all of you guys, so really, I should be thanking you.❤️I'm glad you enjoyed everything. You all kept me inspired to continue writing, even when it was hard for me to do so. So, thank you... for everything. You guys are the true champions and I can never and will never reiterate that enough.

However, it's now time for a new beginning. My new book with Akechi will be starting soon. It's called True Colors and I'm not planning on doing any palaces or persona elements as it would be way too complicated and repetitive. Instead, True Colors will be a college!AU.

Goro Akechi was everything a girl could ask for: intelligent, kind, AND handsome

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Goro Akechi was everything a girl could ask for: intelligent, kind, AND handsome. ...or at least that's what everyone said.

And when you become the apple of his eye, you find yourself slowly accepting his persona... but can you really trust him?

After all, no one was THAT perfect... right?

Expect a lot of angst... this IS Akechi we're talking about ;) anyway, I'm HOPING a new chapter will be up by next week. I'm still working out some details and where I want the story to go. So, stay tuned!

Anyway, I love y'all and hope you guys are having a wonderful life right now.. even as school is starting up😔Good luck to you all and feel free to message me anytime if you want to talk ❤️ love you XOXO

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