VII. A Chance for Romance... And Intel

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Ann looked at Ryuji questioningly.

"Hey, I like the girl and I wanna get to know more about her; not just for our mission but for me as well."

Makoto slightly tilted her head. "But, do you really believe asking her out on a date is the best choice of action?"

"Yeah, what if she comes onto us if you keep asking her about her dad? I mean, you haven't exactly been reliable these past few months, Ryuji," Ann noted.

"Ugh, lay off, will ya? You think this is a good idea, right, buddy?" Ryuji looked over to Akira.

Akira adjusted his glasses and sighed. "Well, when we agreed you'd be asking her about her father, I didn't think you'd ask her out on a date in order to do so, dude..."

Ryuji crossed his arms and let out a defeated sigh. "Maaan...what's so bad about my idea anyway?"

"It's bad because if she sees how interested you are in her dad, she's going to think that something is up," Morgana chimed in.

"Tch, it's not like she's going to up and think that we're the Phantom Thieves..."

"Yeah, but wouldn't you think it's weird if you sent a request to the Phantom Thieves about your crazy father and then all of a sudden your friend starts asking questions about him?" Morgana prodded.

"Yes, and if she figures it out, she may even believe that your feelings for her aren't genuine and rather, you're taking advantage of her in order to get intel about her father," Makoto further explained.

"You guys don't know her. I do. She'd never think that. And it's not like I'm only going to talk to her about her dad, guys. I actually want to know more about her."

The other teens exchanged glances before looking at Ryuji and smiling.


"You really like her, don't you?" Ann put her arm around Ryuji's neck.

"Gah, shut up. Of course, I do. Now stop...!" Ryuji whined, ducking out of Ann's grasp.

"Well, I guess your intentions are in the right place," Makoto reassured him.

"Yeah, and she seems to like you too," Ann agreed. "Just, take it easy when you try to ask her questions though. I know the point of a date is to get to know someone, but don't make it just about intel."

"If you really enjoy her company, get to know more about her as a person," Makoto suggested.

Akira lightly punched Ryuji's arm. "Go and get her, man."

Ryuji nodded, determined. He then headed into Shujin Academy alone.

As Ryuji entered into a hallway, he locked eyes onto you putting books into your locker. He let out a long breath before nodding to himself. I can do this.

Ryuji mustered up whatever courage he had and made his way towards you. Unfortunately, you didn't initially notice him when he walked up to you. So, he decided to entertain you by leaning against a cart of books near your locker.

"Hey Y/N, what's u- whoa!" Ryuji yelped, nearly falling back when his weight against the cart pushed it away. A couple of students in the hall looked his way and laughed. Ryuji mentally groaned. Okay, entertaining? Yes. Stupid and embarrassing? ...Also, yes.

You looked up to a bewildered Ryuji before giggling. "You okay there, Casanova?"

Ryuji rubbed his neck in embarrassment. "You didn't notice me so I thought it would look cool instead if you caught me leaning against that cart," he admitted.

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now