XXIII. Tito's Request

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You woke up startled, as you heard loud knocking on your bedroom door.

"Y/N, get up! You're going to be late for school!" Tito yelled through the door.

You picked your head up and looked at the clock and groaned. Ugh, I still have time. Why is he so loud? You then crashed back into your pillow, when you heard a sleepy groan and felt a shift next to you. You looked over to see Ryuji peacefully sleeping beside you. His hair was a mess and his mouth was slightly open as you heard light snoring. You smiled. Aww, so cute. Suddenly, you remembered last night's events and gasped before rolling up the blanket to cover your bare chest. Your face felt hot all of a sudden.

You looked away from him until you gathered the courage to poke his arm. "Ryuji," you whispered. He didn't answer so, you poked his cheek and he swatted your hand away lazily, still mostly asleep.

You heard another knock at the door. "Y/N, hurry up. I'm makin' breakfast!"

"Okay, okay!" Shit! How am I gonna sneak Ryuji out!?

You were now fully awake as you felt yourself starting to panic. You got up and began shaking Ryuji. "Yuji, wake up!" you harshly whispered.

He wrapped his arms around you and brought you close to him. "Five more minutes, Ma..." he mumbled before falling back asleep.

Does he think he's at home in his room? You shifted uncomfortably in his tight grasp. Sorry, Yuji! You then pinched him hard in the arm.

" OW-" he started to yell before you put a hand over his mouth. He stared at you with wide open eyes. You put a finger on your mouth to quiet him before hearing another knock at your door. "Is everything okay, Y/N?"

God, he's annoying. You and Ryuji looked towards the door and you heard Ryuji let out a muffled gasp, finally realizing the situation he was in.

"I'm fine! Just, uh..." You looked over to Ryuji who waited for you to say something, your hand still draped over his mouth. "Um, I stubbed my toe!"

"Ouch. Need me to get you some ice?" Tito asked.

"N-no! Just gimme a minute!" You then heard him walk away from the door.

You let go of Ryuji and got off the bed with the blanket to cover yourself. You winced when you felt a pain in between your legs.

Ryuji got up when he noticed your expression. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Nevermind me. Babe, we have to hurry," you whispered, ignoring the pain and picking up Ryuji's clothes. You then passed him his stuff.

"Uh, okay. Wh-what should I do?"

"Um..." You thought as you looked around your room. You stopped when you looked towards your closet. You then pulled Ryuji by the arm and shoved him into your closet. He slammed against the wall and fell onto the floor. "Stay here and don't say anything! Wait for me to text you!"

His expression was that of confusion as you closed your closet door. You then ran to your dresser and threw on a large t-shirt and a pair of shorts and collected yourself as much as you possibly could. You then grabbed your phone from your bag and took a deep breath before opening your bedroom door and stepping outside.

You looked towards your uncle who was making eggs in the kitchen.

"Mornin' kiddo! Sleep well?"

You smiled brightly. "Y-yeah! I'm just gonna... uh, shower real quick."

"Make sure you don't fall in the shower, ya klutz," he joked.

"Heh... yeah..." You said before walking quickly towards your bathroom and turning on the radio on the shelf so music would echo throughout the small apartment. Oh God, please let this work. You then screamed at the top of your lungs.

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now