XXXVII. Mishima Just Needs a Bit of Guidance...

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You looked under your school desk when you felt your phone vibrating in your hand.

Mishima: Hey!
Mishima: Wanna hang out after school?

Akira was nice enough to pass along Mishima's number to you after Mishima failed to do so when you first met. You nearly burst out laughing in your quiet class just thinking about the way he ran away from you.

You: Sure! :) But, mind if we stop by my place after school? I just need to check on my uncle.

Your phone vibrated almost instantly.

Mishima: Of course! We can discuss what we can do while we're at it.


After class was over, you walked over to Ryuji's desk.

"Hey, babe," he smiled before getting up and kissing you on the cheek.

"Hey! Mishima wants to meet up after school. You in?"

Ryuji grabbed your hand and began walking out of class. "Ah, shit. Akira and I are training today."

You frowned. "Can't you train another day?"

"Nah. He wants to go to Mementos soon. That means you too," he smirked down at you.

You furrowed your eyebrows. "Mementos?"

"Remember? Society's Palace and all that crap?"

"Oh yeah!! I forgot about that. When are we going?"

"Don't know yet. I'll check with Akira and let you know."

Guess it's just Mishima and me today... You continued towards the gates of Shujin where you met up with Akira, who was leaning against the wall outside of the school.

He looked up from his phone when he heard footsteps approaching him and smiled. "Hey, Y/N, joining us?"

"I'm tempted," you lied. "But, no. I'm hanging with Mishima today."

"Can I pleeeease go with you, Y/N? I'm always bored every time they work out," Morgana whined.

You opened your bag. "Sure. Hop in."

Morgana jumped from Akira's bag and into yours and settled within your stuff. "Ahhh, thank you!"

Akira clutched his chest. "My heart..."

"Hey, guys!" Mishima called out as he approached with a wave.

You turned around and smiled. "Hey, Mishima! Wanna go now?"

"Yeah, let's go."

You gave Ryuji a kiss on the lips and waved to Akira before beginning to leave with Mishima. "'Cya guys!"

"Hey, Mishima!" Ryuji called out. You both turned around. "Take care of my girlfriend!"

Mishima nodded. "You got it."

You frowned. Deep down, you knew Ryuji's words carried far more weight than Mishima could ever imagine.


Most of the walk and train ride to your house was spent trying to figure out what to do with your new friend. Occasionally on the train ride, you noticed Mishima jotting down something on a little notepad but you chose to ignore it. Privacy was important to you, after all.

Unfortunately, by the time you made it to Yongen, you still hadn't decided what you wanted to do. Though, with Mishima focused on his notepad and you focused on your paranoia of those two thugs who attacked Tito, you weren't too surprised.

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now