XIV. Awkward Moments

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Ryuji was mostly silent throughout the train ride and walk back to your apartment, save for the moment he yelped and cursed when he tripped over an empty can of soda in Yongen-Jaya. Maybe he feels awkward about what happened in his room between us and what his mom said. You didn't want to bring it up first because, truth be told, you felt a bit awkward about it too but you knew sooner or later you had to talk about it. However, it didn't help that Ryuji was avoiding your gaze at every turn.

By the time you arrived at your apartment, you couldn't stand the silence any longer. "Okay, Ryuji we have to talk about what happened."

"Gah, I know. Assholes littering here might just end up with an old person breaking their hip."

You scrunched your face in confusion. "What?"

"Oh, you aren't talking about the can I tripped over?" he asked, genuinely confused. You shook your head slowly. "Oh, then what were you talking about?"

"About us. You know, in your room. And what your mom said..." you timidly responded.

Ryuji's cheeks turned into a pinkish hue. "Right... uh, I don't really know what took over me. You were teasing me and I just acted on it, you know?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that," you apologized.

Ryuji smirked and held your hand. "Don't be. Look, I wanna be with you more intimately in the future. But, only when you're ready."

You grinned. "Yes! But, you also have to promise me you'll talk to me when something is bothering you. You've been quiet since we left your place. I was really worried because communication is really important to me, Ryuji."

Ryuji nodded once. "I know and I'm sorry about that. I was just embarrassed about my mom. But, she's right. We don't have to be ashamed or nothin' and when that time comes, we should be prepared."

"Right," you said, feeling relieved. You then leaned in to give Ryuji a kiss. "So, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah definitely, cutie. I'll text the gang so we can meet up for your dad's Palace."

"Sure thing. Well, night Ryuji."

"Night, babe," Ryuji said, giving you one last kiss on the cheek and walking off.


When you walked through the door of your apartment, you saw Tito sitting on the couch in the living room with his back turned towards you. You hung your Shujin Academy jacket on the coat rack by the door and greeted Tito. He responded with a lazy wave of his hand.

As you walked towards him, you noticed the first aid kit opened on the coffee table in front of him along with cotton balls, a bloody rag, and a bottle of alcohol opened next to it. Tito was bent over holding an ice pack to his face with his elbows on his knees.

"Holy shit! What happened!?" you yelled, rushing over to his side.

Tito looked over to you and you gasped upon getting a better look at his face. He had a large cut over his right eyebrow, which was now dripping blood off his brow, and a growing bruise under his right eye. His lip was busted open and there was a band-aid poorly placed on a cut on his left cheek.

He smiled sheepishly. "Got jumped but I'll be fine..."

"You'll be fine!? Have you seen your face? You're dripping blood on the floor!" You chided.

Tito exhaled harshly, annoyed by your reaction. "Hey, I held my own! I got a couple of hits in," he huffed, as he held up his hands to show off his bloodied knuckles.

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now