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2:58 AM

A doctor had finally came out and Tito was the first to run up to him. "Doc, what's goin' on?"

"Okay, well, the bullet did not hit any major organs. It's honestly a miracle," the doctor said, a look of surprise on his face. "But, Y/N did lose a lot of blood."

"Is she going to be okay?" Ann spoke, getting up from her seat.

"Yes, she should be fine but I want to keep her here for a few days while we run some more tests to make sure she's comfortable and no problems arise post surgery. Once we know everything is fine, she can go home."

Everyone sighed in unison, finally feeling relief after a few stressful hours.

"Can we see her?" Ryuji asked, hopeful.

The doctor shook his head slowly. "For now, she needs rest. But, we'll let you know when you can see her."

"Thank you so much, doc," Tito asked, feeling tears stinging the corner of his eyes.

The doctor pat his arm. "No need to thank me," he replied, modestly. "Y/N is very tough. She fought for her life." He paused before smiling at Tito. "This could've gone wrong in many ways but she wasn't ready to let go."

Tito sighed before the corner of his lips rose slowly. "That's my girl..."

The doctor offered Tito a comforting smile. "Let the nurses know if you need anything. For now, get some rest and I'll send someone to get you later."

Tito nodded before wiping his eyes.

After the doctor left, Tito turned around and immediately wrapped Ryuji in a hug. "What did I tell you? She's tough. She fought for us."

"She wasn't going down, not before her father confessed," Ryuji noted, before awkwardly wrapping his arms around Tito.

Tito pulled Ryuji away, taken aback by his words. "That's right..." He then looked at everyone in the waiting room. "Well, thank you everyone for staying. If you'd like, you can go home and get some rest. You can come back tomorrow if you'd like."

Akira shook his head and smiled. "Are you joking? Of course we're not going anywhere."

"We stick together until the end," Yusuke added. "We'll be here the moment Y/N wakes up."

Tito raised his eyebrows. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," Ryuji responded, determined. The other teens nodded, minus Futaba, who was quietly sleeping in her chair.

"We'll look after her," Makoto assured Tito when she noticed him staring at Futaba worriedly.

Tito nodded and softly smiled, touched by the kindness of his niece's friends. "Well, alright then."


10:32 AM

"Mr. L/N?"

Tito's eyes shot open as a hand shook him awake. "Huh!?" he muttered, startled.

The nurse slightly jumped back and laughed. "I'm sorry to have awaken you so abruptly, Mr. L/N."

"Call me Tito. I don't share the last name as my niece," Tito responded, rubbing his eyes.

"O-oh, my apologies," the nurse replied. There was a short pause before Tito got up from his seat and stretched. He then looked at the nurse and offered a polite smile before she continued. "Would you like to see Y/N? She's still asleep but should be waking up soon."

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now