V. A Cry For Help

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Over the next few days, you and Ryuji didn't speak about what happened in front of your doorstep. You didn't even really get to see him and the gang outside of school, much less hang out with them. You'd ask if they wanted to hang out, but it was always a different excuse. What could they possibly be up to?

You grew suspicious one day after school when Ryuji gave you a strange excuse. "Oh, we gotta work on an after-school project."

Project? Ryuji was the last person who'd actually want to do school work outside of class. Even more, he wasn't even in the same class as Akira and Ann, let alone in the same grade as Makoto or even the same school as Yusuke.

The only thing that actually seemed credible was his tone. He seemed upset or even angry in a way. Homework wasn't necessarily fun after all. But actually, now that you thought of it, he seemed upset these past few days. You tried prying information from him but he was adamant on keeping his pain a secret. The moment you brought up his negative mood, he'd brighten up immediately. It didn't really seem natural though.

Overall, however, something seemed really fishy but before you could question him about it, he spoke up.

"So, I gotta get going, Y/N. I'm sorry. We'll hang out soon. I promise. Just gotta finish some things up."

You frowned. "Okay..."

He walked away after that, his head slightly low. You debated on following him but if you were caught, that would probably end your friendship with him quicker than it could actually start.

Defeated, you decided to walk home by yourself.


As you waited for the train, a couple of Shujin students stood by you and talked amongst themselves. For the most part, you were able to tune them out until...

"Dude, when are the Phantom Thieves gonna strike?" A boy with glasses asked.

Your head perked up at the mention of the Phantom Thieves. They had been quiet for awhile but it was like them to strike when you least expected it.

You pretended to scroll through your phone while you listened in on their conversation.

"Who knows? But I kind of wonder who they're going to steal the heart of next," his scruffy haired friend responded.

"Probably some big shot with lots of money and dirty secrets." The boys both laughed.

"Man, I wish I was a part of the Phantom Thieves. Have you seen their website? Crazy amounts of people are making requests! They're like superheroes!"

Request...wait a minute... A lightbulb went off in your head as you thought of an idea. Oh man, why didn't I think of this before!? At this point, you started getting really excited and couldn't wait to get home to start your plan.


When you reached your apartment, you quickly grabbed your mail before heading inside. You swifted through the letters, ironically hoping your father sent you one. Your eyes brightened as you found a letter with no return address, just like the first one he sent you. YES!  You ripped open the envelope and quickly read it.

Just checking in on you again. I always keep my tabs on you, making sure you're not up to any... suspicious behavior. You dare wouldn't cross your father now, would you?
After all that I've done for you?
It seems you're living an honest life for now with your uncle. How precious. Wouldn't want to ruin that now, would we?
I think not.
I've got my eye on you, dear daughter. Don't ruin what little of our relationship we have.

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now