XXVI. Don't Trust Him

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Author's note:

I wanted to start off this chapter by apologizing for the lack of content! It's been a long and busy week but I promise you, this story will reach its end in due time! I refuse to stop in the middle of it. That wouldn't be fair to the readers that have come this far.

I hate having to pick up on a chapter like this, especially because it's meant to be disturbing in the spirit of the horror chamber. Not exactly a light note. But, please enjoy! Content will continue to be pushed out for you guys as my schedule clears up. Thanks so much for your patience!! XOXO


You wrapped your arms around Ryuji's neck immediately and hugged him tight. "You saved me!"

Ryuji gave you a light hug back. "Yeah, I found ya, babe. But, we really gotta go. I found the others guys and we gotta get to them."

You looked over to the side and noticed your father had disappeared. "Where's my father?"

"Who cares? Let's go already." He got up and put his hand out to help you up.

You furrowed your eyebrows for a second, confused by his lack of affection, before finally taking his hand and getting up. "Gee, where's the love? I thought you'd be happier to see me."

Ryuji chuckled before grabbing you and kissing you softly. When he pulled away, he apologized. "This place just creeps me out so I wanna get out of here fast."

You then held his hand and smiled. "Then, let's go!"


As you ventured through the dark halls of the horror chamber, you came upon a myriad of shadows that appeared out of nowhere. Fortunately, with Ryuji by your side, you had no trouble taking them down.

"Woo! This is workin' up quite a sweat!" Ryuji cheered, as he slammed his club into a shadows' head, making it dissolve instantly.

"Yeah... are you sure you know where we're supposed to meet everyone?" You said, out of breath.

Ryuji smirked. "Don't trust me?"

You smiled. "I do trus- wait, what's that?" You reached out towards Ryuji's face when you noticed a purple vein coming out from under his mask and trailing down his cheek for a second before quickly disappearing.

Ryuji gave you a strange look as he backed away and swatted your hand off his face. "What's what?"

"You had something on your face."

"Ah, you're just seein' things."

You knitted your brows together. "N-no, I saw someth-" You stopped immediately when you heard a familiar scream. You jumped as the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. "Haru?"

You immediately grabbed Ryuji's hand and ran down the hall towards the sound of screaming. You didn't even think twice about whether it could be real or not. You didn't want to take any chances, especially if there was a possibility that your team mate was in actual danger. You felt your heart racing as you dashed down the hall, mostly from fear and anxiety birthed from what you might find.

When you got nearer to the source, you heard Haru yelp before everything went silent. A metallic smell immediately hit your nostrils as you entered into a new hallway. It was a smell all too familiar to you. Blood. You swallowed hard. You didn't dare shine the light directly down the hall, afraid of what you'd see.

Ryuji noticed your hesitation and immediately slapped his hand onto your shoulder, making you jump. You glared at him in the darkness, annoyed that he would do something like that.

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now