IX. Welcome to the Phantom Thieves

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Boss picked his head up from his newspaper when he heard you and Ryuji entering Cafe Leblanc. As Ryuji led you by the hand towards the stairs, you gave a quick hello to Boss, who waved awkwardly in response.

While you and Ryuji made your way up the stairs, you heard a few familiar voices talking and you instantly felt nervous. What if they get angry that Ryuji told me about them? As if sensing your growing anxiety, Ryuji gave your hand a squeeze to calm you and you felt eternally grateful he was there with you.

Once you made it to the top of the stairs, you quickly glanced around the room. It was... a bedroom? You noticed a small bed located in the far right corner of the room by the windows and a shelf next to it propped up against the wall, adorned with knick-knacks and other items. There was also a potted plant next to the shelf. You then looked to the left side of the room and noticed a dusty shelf with boxes and an old television set with a rather dated gaming console next to it. Looks like someone likes old-fashioned technology.

But what really caught your eye were the six teens and cat sitting around a large table staring at you. They were all familiar faces except one: a young girl with straight long orange hair and large black-rimmed glasses. She wore a green jacket with fur along the hoodie and a long t-shirt that dipped below her shoulders, revealing the straps of a black tank top underneath. She seemed younger than the other students you'd met.

Ryuji ignored their surprised and confused expressions and led you towards the table they were seated at. He immediately stopped, however, when he noticed Akechi leaning against a workbench in the corner of the room. You hadn't even realized he was in the room since you were distracted by the other teens.

"Why is he here?"

Morgana meowed and Akira cleared his throat. "Yes, why is Y/N here?"

"Yeah, about that... She knows who we are."

The teens looked towards you with wide eyes, which you replied with an awkward wave and smile. They then turned to Ryuji and glared at him.

Ryuji immediately put his hands up in the air. "Hey, don't look at me! She actually figured it out by herself."

"Seems like Ann was right in her suspicions of you not being able to keep our secret," Yusuke noted.

"Oh shuddup. Now answer my question: why is Akechi here!?" Ryuji asked again, annoyed.

Akechi sighed before standing up straight and walking towards the table. "No need for hostilities, Ryuji. I'm here to help!" He beamed.


"Like Y/N, he managed to find out who we are too and has agreed to help us in exchange for a...favor," Makoto explained.

Ryuji crossed his arms and looked towards Akechi suspiciously. "... A favor? What kind of favor?"

"Well, to put it simply-"

"He's blackmailing us," Futaba interrupted.

You looked towards Akechi, surprised. Akechi... blackmailing someone? That seems unheard of. Akechi noticed your reaction and sighed. "Allow me to explain. I only ask that you all help me change the heart of Sae Niijima, who just so happens to be Makoto's sister, and in exchange, I won't reveal your identities to the police. You must also promise me that you'll disband the Phantom Thieves once you are finished with my request."

"Tch, you're joking, right!?" Ryuji asked, angrily.

"I am not."

Ryuji rolled his eyes. "Look, our priority is Y/N and her father; not you!"

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now