XXXVI. I Confess...

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[Earlier that afternoon] - Tito's POV

I rolled my eyes as I waited outside of the large and seemingly abandoned brick building. It was probably the sketchiest neighborhood I'd ever been called to to see a client and their car. But, shit, money was money and if I was leaving to the states with Y/N, then I was leaving with some cash in my pocket.

I yawned as I leaned against the building. Where the fuck is this person? Pretty sure I got the address and time right. They told me to meet them at three o'clock.

I checked my watch. It was already twenty past three and I didn't like waiting. I sighed as I pinched my nose. What a god damn waste of time.

I ran my fingers through my hair and pushed myself off the wall. Fuck it. I'm just gonna head back to the shop. This client's a no show.

"Ayo, Tito," someone whistled.

I snapped my head back to see a familiar face walking towards me: Yamato, holding a lit cigarette in his hand.

I sighed and crossed my arms. "Whaddaya want, Yama?"

Yamato shrugged before taking a puff of his cigarette. "Just wanna talk, Tito. See whatcha been up to."

"You already jumped me. Ain't that enough?"

"We just got some questions."


All of a sudden, I felt a bony hand connect with my face. I grunted as I hit the ground hard and immediately felt a sharp pain under my eye. I blinked a few times, my vision just a bit blurred.

I brought a hand up to my face and felt a sticky substance on my cheekbone as a metallic smell violated my nostrils. "Fuck..." How the hell did I not hear him?

Ichiro, the tall, lanky asshole, now stood above me. "Great ta see you again, Tit. Miss us?" he taunted.

I wiped some blood off of my face. Don't strike yet, Tito. Stay calm. "Didn't you guys already get a few good hits in before? The fuck do you want?"

"Ever heard of the Phantom Thieves?" Yamato asked.

The Phantom Thieves? Why the hell was he asking me about that? "What are you talking about?"

Ichiro kicked me in the ribs and I gasped in pain as I rolled to my side on the ground. Fuck, this hurts. But, shit, get up, Tito. Don't be a bitch. I sucked in some air and hoisted myself up.

"Awww, we got a fighter here, Yama."

"Ain't anybody ever teach you to fight fairly?" I asked, holding the side of my ribs.

"Answer the damn question, Tito. We don't got time."

"Look, I don't know nothin' about the damn Phantom Thieves."

"Really? 'Cause your niece seems to know a lot about them. So much that she contacted them to attack Kuro," Ichiro stated.

My eyes widened as I stared at them in shock. Y/N did what!? "The hell are you talking about?"

Yamato smoked his cigarette. "Come oooon, Tito. Don't act like you didn't know."

"I don't! What do you mean she contacted them?" I tried keeping my composure but, on the inside, I was seething. Wait 'til I got home, Y/N. She and I were going to have a looooong talk.

"Stop lying!" Ichiro hysterically yelled. "Tell us what you fucking know!"

"I don't know shit!"

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