XXXXIV. A Plan For Closure

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"Guess we don't have to move to America, huh?" Tito said, dropping your bag of dirty clothes from the hospital onto the floor by your apartment door.

The words rung in your ear and you felt a jolt of excitement and happiness ring through your body. You smiled widely at him as you sat down slowly on the couch and clutched your patched-up wound. "Guess not."

You had been released from the hospital an hour earlier and you were now finally home. Your doctor's orders were to take it easy for the next few weeks until your wound completely healed.

Your wound was still sore and tender, but nothing you couldn't handle. Frankly, you preferred that over the hospital smell and lack of complete privacy from the nurses and doctors. Hospital food wasn't totally bad but you much preferred Tito's home-cooked meals.

Tito walked over to the back of the couch and put his hand on your shoulder. "How you feelin', baby girl?"

You hummed softly and sighed. "Better. Happy."

Well, if you were being completely honest, your response was an understatement. It wasn't easy to express the elation you felt over finally escaping the grasp of your father, not having to worry about leaving Ryuji to move to America, or having to worry about criminals from your father's prostitution ring running around. However, the thing that made you happy most of all was that you received justice for your mother and the women your father hurt (directly or indirectly). But, how could you fit all of that into a simple response to a simple question?

He smiled. You took a good look at his face. Stress surely aged him... or maybe he was just tired. You didn't know which it was but the prominent bags and dark circles under his eyes along with his unshaven face and unkempt hair surely made him look older and more tired.

"How about I make us some dinner? Ramen?"

The corners of your mouth rose as you nodded rapidly. "Yes, please!"


Later that evening, you were in your room scrolling through the web, trying to find any more updates on your father's case.

The news outlets were merely reporting the facts of the case. Nothing you didn't really know, besides the location of his ring or the details of what some women went through.

Even more, more and more men's identities were being revealed to the public along with photos of their faces. These were the men that worked not only for your father but with him to buy and torture innocent women.

"Assholes," you whispered as you scrolled through a photo gallery of their pictures.

When Ichiro and Yamato's pictures came up, you felt a chill go down your spine and the hairs on your arm rise. You stared at their pictures, the dull pain in your abdomen serving as a reminder of what they did to you.

You clicked out of the gallery, ignoring the growing anger growing deep within you. You didn't want to deal with this now.

Besides, you were more interested in your father's future jail sentence but you wouldn't find out how long he would be sentenced for until he stood in front of a judge.

You sighed and sat back against your pillow, disappointed by the lack of information you found. You stared at the stars on your ceiling for a few moments, feeling safe and comfortable in the silence, before you slowly closed your eyes.

Unfortunately, your moment of peace was immediately interrupted when you felt your phone vibrating beside your leg. Ain't that the way it goes...

You groaned as you grabbed your phone and checked the screen. A frown was soon replaced with a smile when you realized it was your one and only calling: Ryuji.

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now