XXX. It's Go Time

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Author's Note:

*Had to republish chapter because Wattpad had some issues it needed to resolve. Sorry!

So guys, just a side note: This boss battle will not be structured like normal Persona 5 boss battles (i.e. only 4 people fighting at a time) 'cause ain't nobody got time for that. I'd rather just have them all working together to fight off Kuro. It's more fun to write that way anyway lol

Welp... this is the last of the Palace chapters! Finally!!

But anyways, what's a Persona 5 boss fight without some amazing music? Listen to it if you want!

Anyway, enjoy, guys!


"Ready, everyone?" Akira asked the Phantom Thieves when you were all in the safe room.

"Are you absolutely sure that my father saw the calling card, Mona?"

Morgana smirked. "Oh, he definitely saw it. His expression was priceless when he caught sight of the calling card plastered across the doors of his bar. He was even yelling at his minions to take it off the door."

You smiled. "Then, I'm ready."

Yusuke nodded. "We all are."

Ryuji gave you a side hug. "Let's do this!"

With that, you all ran out of the safe room and towards the Stage Room, feeling nervous but mostly determined.


Upon barging into the Stage Room, you were met with loud cheers and applause from the audience members now sitting in the seats. It was a full house as shadows that looked like regular people stood up to clap.

You stopped immediately. "What the-?"

Ann looked around. "Where did all these people come from?"

A spotlight shined on all of you and you partially covered your eyes to protect your vision from the blinding light. Everyone in the audience turned around to look at you and began booing.

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