II. New Friends

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Class was uneventful besides the playful game you and the rebel involved yourselves in. You each had snuck multiple looks at each other every once in awhile during class and whenever either of you were caught by the other, you'd look away as quickly as possible. At one point, you decided to return his gaze with a smile but he looked away with lightning speed, a growing blush evident on his cheek. Shy one, huh?

Before you knew it, it was time for lunch. Some of the students left the classroom while others stayed in and chatted with their friends while they ate lunch. This was definitely a time where you needed a friend. Otherwise, you'd feel so lonely.

The rebel got up from his seat and subtly looked your way before exiting the classroom. You didn't quite know why he kept looking at you but you sure knew why you looked at him. He was attractive after all. But, there was an air of rebelliousness about him that you couldn't help but feel attracted to as well.

Considering your family came from a background of rebels, it was no surprise you were drawn in by the image he presented to society. Your family came from a long line of headstrong bikers, known as the Dark Angels; so, toughness and rebelliousness were nothing unfamiliar to you. Your uncle, Tito, was even allowed to keep his kutte, despite only retiring a few years back after the death of your mother, and he showed it off proudly to anyone who'd ask.

You were relieved that Tito took you in after your father abandoned you. He'd also been a prominent member of Dark Angels but he was far more ruthless than your uncle. He used violence on his brothers in the motorcycle club when he became angry and always drunk himself into a stupor, fueling his violence. Your father and you were estranged and every time a family friend or family member brought him up, you felt yourself becoming angry. Just thinking about him now made you angry. It was his fault you and your uncle had to move and it was his fault you had to start your life all over again.

You sat back in your seat and, unbeknownst to you, balled your hands into fists. You were soon interrupted by a phone call from your uncle. You slid your finger across the phone screen, accepting the call, and put the phone up to your ear.

"Hey Tito," you said, as you grabbed your bag and got up to leave the classroom.

"Hey, kiddo, how's your first day treating you?"

"Not bad, actually. I might even like it here but we'll have to see," you spoke quietly into the phone.

Upon exiting your class, you walked towards the staircase and noticed the rebel standing next to Akira, the raven haired boy you had met earlier in the morning. You looked away before noticing the rebel slapping Akira's arm to get him to focus his attention on you. The raven haired boy looked your way and towards his friend before smirking at him. Once you passed them, you smiled to yourself and made your way to your locker and took out your bento.

"Well, that's great! Did you eat lunch?" your uncle asked on the other side of the phone.

"Yeah, I'm going to eat now. Can I call you back later?"

"Sure, but do you need a ride home?"

"No, it's alright! I think I'm going to explore Japan a bit more and get acquainted with the places around school."

"Sounds good to me. I'm gonna have to stay late at the autoshop tonight but I made some dinner for you and left it in the fridge. Just warm it up when you get hungry."

"Oh okay! Thanks, Tito," you replied. "I'll talk to you later!"

Your uncle said goodbye and you hung up the phone. You walked towards the courtyard and found a quiet bench to eat your bento on. Once you finished, you decided to look for a trash can to throw out your garbage. You spotted one by the vending machines but...you also noticed 3 familiar faces all chatting by there as well: Akira, Ann, and the rebel. Chance to make new friends, right?

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