III. Cafe Leblanc

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After class ended, you and Ryuji made your way towards the gates of Shujin to meet Ann and Akira.

"Uh, so...d-did you like your first day?" Ryuji asked, visibly nervous.

"Yeah, it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I didn't think I'd make friends this quickly, if I'm being completely honest." You decided against looking at him while speaking, lest he get more nervous. You had to admit though... it was kind of cute the way he was acting.

Ryuji hummed in thought before sighing. "Well, I hope we're able to make your time here at Shujin easier."

"I hope so too," you beamed.

It wasn't long before you and Ryuji met up with Akira at the front of the school.

"Where's Ann?" you asked.

"Some photographer called her so she had to step away for a bit but she said she'd meet us at Leblanc."


"Oh, Ann is a model," Akira explained.

"Wow! That's so cool!"

"Yeah yeah. Come on, let's get going! I'm starving!" Ryuji exclaimed as you giggled.


While making your way through the train station, you managed to bump into a tall kid with blue hair and fair skin. He was wearing a white dress shirt with black pants. He didn't look like he attended Shujin to say the least.

You stumbled back a bit. "Oof. I'm sorry," you apologized.

"Oh, hey Yusuke," Akira politely greeted.

"'Sup man," Ryuji said.

"Hello," Yusuke responded, ignoring your apology. A lock of blue hair slightly fell in front of his eyes and he swept it away as he looked at you curiously. "Who is this?"

"Ah, we just met her today! Y/N, this is our friend, Yusuke. He's weird but you get used to it," Ryuji said.

"Well, that's quite rude," Yusuke scoffed.

You narrowed your eyes, deep in thought. Yusuke. That name seemed quite familiar. Oh!

"Yusuke...Do you happen to be Yusuke Kitagawa? From the Madarame ca-"

"Yes, that is me," he interrupted.

You noticed a tinge of pain on his face. Perhaps, you had hit a vulnerable spot. It wasn't that long ago when Ichiryusai Madarame, a famous artist here in Japan, had admitted to plagiarizing the artistic work of his pupils on live television. He used children in order to fuel his fame and fortune, only to drop them when they weren't needed anymore. It was quite ruthless. But, thanks to the Phantom Thieves, Madarame confessed to all of his crimes. Yusuke had been Madarame's most recent protege and he was no stranger to Madarame's destructive behavior. It must've been hard to deal with Madarame's selfishness but even harder to lose someone he had looked up to for years. You frowned slightly.

"I'm sorry if I brought up something sensitive," you apologized.

Yusuke's eyes lit up as he met yours. "No need to apologize. In the end, he received his penance."

You offered a slight smile in response.

"Want to join us at Leblanc?" Akira offered.

"A cup of coffee would be quite relaxing as I admire the painting of Sayuri. Let us go."

Ryuji rolled his eyes and shoved his hands in his pockets. "See what I mean? Weird."

"You do realize I can hear you," Yusuke noted, annoyed.

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now