XXII. Love Under the Stars

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[Warning: graphic sexual content below]

You stood there, shocked. Ryuji... loves me? You shook your head as your eyes began to feel watery. "Did you- do you really mean that?"

Ryuji walked towards you. "Yeah, I do. I've loved you for a while now. That's really why I've been scared to lose you."

You felt your heart racing as you felt butterflies flutter within your stomach. Ryuji placed one hand on your hip and pulled you towards him.

"Y-you don't have to say anything back if you don't-"

"I love you too."

Ryuji's eyes grew wide before he smiled widely. "Wait are you serious!?"

You nodded. "Yes!"

Ryuji placed his hand behind your head as his lips crashed against yours. A tear rolled down your cheek as you felt nothing but love behind the kiss.

When you pulled away, Ryuji wiped your cheeks and eyes and pulled you into a hug. "I've never felt this for anyone..."

You pulled him down for another short kiss. "Neither have I. Ryuji, nobody compares to you and no one will ever change the way I feel for you."

Ryuji smiled softly. "I know that now. I trust you, babe. Akechi will never tear us apart. I promise."

The Phantom Thieves walked in then when Ryuji leaned down to kiss you.

Makoto's eyes widened. "O-oh! Are you no longer angry?"

Ryuji picked his head up. "No, I'm not. Y/N and I talked and we're both happy."

You turned around and smiled. "Yeah, we really are."

"Yay! Glad to hear!" Ann cheered.

Haru giggled. "I'm happy you could work things out."

Akechi crossed his arms behind the group.

Akira smirked. "It'll probably make you happy to hear that Subject Zero is dead as well. So, we're closer to changing your father's heart, Y/N!"

Futaba smiled. "Yup! No USA for you, Y/N! Not on our watch!"

"And no tearing you away from Ryuji," Yusuke reassured you.

"Hell yeah!" Ryuji cheered. "Let's get going now then! We've done a lot today!"


On your way home, you felt something change within you. Now that Ryuji had confessed his feelings to you, you wanted to explore him in other ways. You thought about it on the train ride home as you held his hand. He noted your quiet nature but assumed you were just tired.

When you arrived in Yongen, you and Ryuji walked to your place, hand-in-hand. You stopped outside of your apartment and smiled at him. He put his hands onto your waist and pulled you close to kiss you.

When his lips pulled apart from yours, he whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too," you whispered back.

"So, um, I should probably get back to Cafe Leblanc to get my stuff. Get some rest, babe."

You nodded before he pecked your lips and pulled away to leave. You don't know what came over you but you grabbed his arm quickly. "W-wait! Um, do you want to stay for a bit?"

Ryuji raised his eyebrows. "In your apartment?"

You nodded shyly. "Yeah..."

"Is your uncle home?"

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now