XX. The Predator

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You stared at the giant navy blue door in front of you. You noticed a cartoon photo of your father in a white hazmat suit with an expression of fascination on his face. There were tinier images of stars, planets, and aliens in the background.

When you entered inside, your noses were immediately assaulted with a smell similar to the scent of garbage or something rotting.

"Ugh, what is that gross smell? We haven't even entered into the actual area," Ann whined, putting her hand up to her nose.

"Smells like shit," Ryuji bluntly pointed out.

"Guys, look," Futaba said, pointing towards the door. Everyone stepped closer and noticed a black slime oozing out from underneath the door.

Makoto pinched her nose. "This must be the source of the smell. However, where is it coming from?"

"Only one way to find out!" Morgana shouted. "Let's go!"

Akira and Yusuke carefully pushed the heavy door open slightly and peaked inside. The hallways were dim, with a few of the ceiling lights broken or flickering. Akira pushed open the door more once he noticed that the coast was clear. The Phantom Thieves then walked through the entrance and observed their surroundings.

There were two hallways, one to your immediate right and the other in front of you. Black slime coated the floor and walls. It was eerily quiet and the smell in the area was overwhelming but you hoped that you'd just get used to it as you continued to explore.

"It appears to be some sort of hospital," Yusuke observed.

"Uh, I don't think so," Ann said, walking down the hall in front of you and looking through a giant cracked window to a room.

The Phantom Thieves walked towards her, careful not to step over any slime on the ground, and looked through the cracked window. They gasped when they noticed the room in disarray.

The room had white counters with broken cupboards filled with glass containers of different colored liquids organized in a messy manner. On the counters were beakers and vials of unknown substances, both on racks and some overturned with liquids spilling out of them and off the counter. There were also microscopes on the counters, some of them knocked over.

On the floor were pieces of broken glass and spilled contents from the vials and beakers as well as broken microscopes. Pieces of papers were scattered around the room. The lights flickered as you noticed sparks fall from the ceiling. In the far back of the room, you noticed a bloody handprint on the glass paneling of a strange cylindrical machine.

"The hell...? Looks like shit went down in there..." Ryuji said.

"Is this some type of lab or something?"

"It looks that way but why is it so quiet? Where would the scientists be?" Makoto asked.

"We're going to need to explore the area more. Stan said we'll be up against a fiend so stay cautious, everyone!" Akira ordered.

"Those papers inside that room may give us a clue as to what is going on. Perhaps, we should investigate," Haru suggested.

You tried pushing the doors open to the room. "Hng... it won't budge."

"Need a man's hand?" Ryuji smirked.

You rolled your eyes and stepped aside to let him and Akira push the door open with force. Yusuke jumped in when the door still wouldn't budge and they managed to burst in with his help. Unfortunately, they fell on the ground upon doing so and as a result, all groaned in pain as they rolled over.

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