XVI. A Strange Request

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The air was tense in the safe room as you sat at the table, waiting for someone to say something. You hung your head low, afraid to look at the other teens' faces. You knew they were probably angry with you for making such a careless decision and attacking Venus and Freya without their knowledge. But, you couldn't blame them. They had every right to be angry with you. You put their lives in danger over a selfish desire to get revenge.

You lifted your head up to see everyone deep in thought. No one was looking at anyone in particular. Perhaps, they were all occupied with figuring out what to say. You looked over to Ryuji who was softly drumming his fingers along the table's surface while he rested his cheek on his other hand.

You sighed and stood up from your seat. "Guys, I want to apologize for what I did. I take full responsibility for the danger I put you in. I was driven by revenge and didn't really take the time to stop and ask myself if it was worth it."

Everyone looked up towards you.

"You attacked Freya and Venus for revenge?" Morgana asked.

You nodded. "They reminded me too much of my father's business and I just got angry."

Morgana shook his head. "Y/N, of course they would remind you of your father's business. They're created out of your father's distorted desires."

"I know but-"

"Listen, Y/N. You should have told us what you were going to do so we could have at least discussed it with you. What you did was dangerous and stupid."

You sat back down. "You're right. It was."

"We understand your intentions, Y/N. When I was in my father's Palace, it took everything in me not to let my anger get the best of me," Haru said.

"Yeah, I remember getting really angry when I was in Kamoshida's Palace. I wanted to kill Kamoshida but I knew that wasn't the solution," Ann followed.

Futaba waved her hand in the air, dismissively. "To be fair, Freya and Venus were egging Y/N on. I say they deserved it."

Makoto shook her head. "Yes, but still, it was a battle that could have been easily avoided."

Yusuke sighed. "That's right. Our goal was not to kill Freya and Venus. It was to kill the intruders."

"Come on, guys, lay off. I'm sure she understands what she did wrong," Ryuji said.

"We can't just 'lay off.' We need to know if she's going to be a liability for us or not," Morgana scowled.

Ryuji stood up and slammed his fists on the table. "Of course, she's not! She said she was sorry so back off, cat!"

"Grrr, I'm not a cat!" Morgana growled.

"That's enough!" Akira spoke up. "There's no point in arguing now. Y/N apologized and I'm sure she understands what she did."

You nodded. "Yes, this won't happen again. I promise."

Akira nodded once in return. "Good, we have her word so we must trust it. Now, let's move on."

"What will we tell Stan?" Akechi asked.

"I'll explain everything to him. We'll offer him the crystal Akira picked up as an apology," you responded.

"Good idea. Well, I'm tired and I'm sure you are all too. Let's return to the real world and get some rest," Akira decided.


After your long, quiet walk back to your place with Ryuji, you stopped outside of your apartment door and turned towards him.

"Are we good?" you asked him.

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now