XII. Berberos

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"You seem rather sure of yourself. So, we'll just be right back with those keys, Bazal. Better be prepared!" You yelled.

"I'll be waiting," Bazal said with a smirk.

You all continued into the next area on the left side of the cave. As soon as you walked through the giant hole, you noticed a long, dark and wide hallway before you. On the the walls of the cave were unlit torches.

"It's just an empty hallway..." Yusuke said.

"This seems... suspicious. Keep your eyes peeled, everyone," Morgana warned.

You all huddled together and walked slowly down the hall. As you walked by the torches, they began lighting up by themselves one by one. Akira led the group with Makoto, Morgana, and Yusuke right behind him. You walked next to Ryuji and Haru while Akechi, Ann, and Futaba stayed close behind.

"Watch out!" Makoto yelled, as she grabbed Akira's trench coat and pulled him back. Akira fell backwards onto Morgana right as three darts came flying from the left side of the hall and landed into the right side.

"Whoa! What just happened!?" Ryuji yelled.

"Are you okay!?" You asked Akira.

"I'm fine. Mona managed to soften my blow," Akira responded.

"Yeah and the rocks on the ground managed to soften my blow too," Morgana groaned, sarcastically.

Yusuke leaned down to notice a tripped wire lying on the ground. "Queen managed to save your life. It seems this hallway may be laced with booby traps."

"Yes, I suggest we keep a lookout. I'm sorry I didn't notice it in time. I just managed to catch it when you walked into it, Joker."

"Don't worry about it. You did good, Queen," Akira reassured her.

Akira and Morgana got up and dusted themselves off. You then continued on your way down the hallway, careful not to trip any more wires.

You walked for a few minutes before you heard another explosion in the distance, causing the walls of the hallway to rumble slightly. Dust from the ceiling sprinkled on everyone and you all stopped and groaned.

"Gah, I think I got some in my mouth!" Ryuji spit out.

Ann sneezed. "Ugh, I hate this place! How long is this hallway anyway? We've been walking for a while now." Ann leaned her hand against a rock on the wall, causing it to be pressed down. Spikes came up from the floor near Akira.

"Whoa! Okay, seriously, guys!? I almost died once. I'd rather not let that happen again."

Ann jumped, taking her hand off of the rock. "Oh no, sorry Joker!" The spikes then went back into the ground.

"We should continue walking. I suggest not pressing the walls or leaning against them," Akechi spoke.

You then continued your walk down the long corridor. You heard an explosion from behind you and you all jumped, startled.

"Uhhh, I think we should get going fast," Ann nervously said.

You walked quicker, careful not to trigger any booby traps. However, while walking, you accidentally stepped on a tile in the ground that dipped, causing you to trip and fall.


"Aries, you okay!?" Ryuji asked, helping you up.

"Yeah, I-"

It was then you heard two loud clicks from each side of the hallway. You then heard a loud mechanism coming from both ways. Akira squinted his eyes and noticed a large wall with spikes coming towards you all from behind.

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