XXI. The True Enemy

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"You're not going to be bait, Y/N!!" Ryuji argued.

"It's the only way we can draw Subject Zero out, Ryuji."

Futaba put her finger up. "Um... codenames?"

Ryuji ignored her. "Babe, we can use a sound to draw it out. We're not going to put your life in danger to fight some alien."

You crossed your arms. "And what if the sound's not loud enough or what if Subject Zero's not in the area we need it to be in? I need to call it and lead it to our trap somehow."

"Your plan comes with risks but if we time it correctly, it may just work," Makoto said.

Ryuji rolled his eyes. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me."

You took his hand. "We can do this, Yuji. It'll work."

Ryuji stared at you and sighed. He was worried and you knew it but you needed him to get on board with this plan if there was any possibility of it coming to fruition. After all, plans were only carried out if the decisions were unanimously made.

He slumped his shoulders, defeated. "Fiiiine. Let's do it." He then picked his head up and looked towards you and held a finger up. "But on one condition."

"And what's that?"

"I get to be with you when you're the bait."


"I ain't letting you go off on your own. If a giant alien is gonna chase you through the halls, I wanna be there to provide backup."

You thought about it for a moment and nodded. "Alrighty then. You'll be with me."

"Sweet. Kiss on it?"

The other teens collectively groaned.

"Please don't," Morgana begged.

You laughed as Ryuji ignored everyone and gave you a kiss on the cheek.

"This better not be a ruse for you to go and bone Y/N somewhere lonely," Akira cheekily noted.

Your face grew red and Ryuji put his hands up. "Whoa, dude! Chill!! This ain't what you think it is!"

The teens laughed before Yusuke put a hand up to his chin. "Bone? What do you mean?"

The room immediately grew quiet as everyone looked at each other awkwardly.

"Uh, how about we just discuss the plan," you suggested.

You pointed at an area on a poorly drawn map of the Sci-fi chamber as you walked everyone through the plan. The Phantom Thieves stood around you, listening intently.


Step one: Fox, Noir, and Crow will collect the cans of gasoline in this supply closet.

"How many should we grab?" Yusuke asked as he picked up a can of gasoline. "They're fairly heavy."

"Grab as many as you can. The more we have, the better the trap will work against Subject Zero," Akechi suggested.

"Won't it smell the gasoline? Aries mentioned it learns fast so, I'd assume it must have learned the smell of gasoline considering how many cans there are in this supply closet."

Haru picked up a can. "She said it has a poor sense of smell. Remember when it was searching for Skull, Panther, and Aries near the lockers? Skull smelled horrible from stepping in the slime so, he could have been easily detected but instead, Subject Zero turned away when it couldn't find them."

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