VIII. Truth Be Told

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You couldn't help but whisper "wow" to yourself once you entered into your apartment. A rather short friendship blossomed into a far deeper relationship before your very eyes. You leaned against the door and put your hand over your heart. Is this what it feels like to be in one of those cheesy romance films where the guy gets the girl and their first kiss feels like an electric shock? ...If electric is even the right word. To you, your kiss with Ryuji felt more like an explosion of emotions: desperation, desire, passion, Could love even exist so early on in your relationship? Could you be falling too quickly? Was Ryuji fast enough to even catch you?

You sighed. That's enough. Enjoy this moment and don't overthink it. After all, Ryuji likes me... and I like him. A lot. You felt a knot form into your stomach and you smiled giddily to yourself as you put your hands over your face to hide your embarrassment. You felt as if you were internally screaming at the thought of Ryuji liking you and vice versa.

"Y/N, can I see you in the living room for a moment?"

You were startled by Tito's voice in your quiet apartment. You hadn't even realized he was home. You sighed nervously before collecting yourself and walking towards him. You immediately froze when you saw what he was holding in his hand.

"You were in my room..." was all you could say.

Tito's voice was a soft whisper. "When did you receive these letters from him?"

"Why did you go into my room!?" You began to feel angry. Not at Tito for entering your room without permission but angry at your father for ever contacting you and, most of all, angry at yourself for lying to Tito for the past couple of weeks.

You winced when Tito raised his voice. "Answer the question, Y/N!"

You stared at him for a few moments before answering, mostly to collect your thoughts. "I received the first letter on the first day of school and the second later a few days after that..."

"You've been lying to me this entire time?" Tito closed his eyes for a second and rubbed his temples. "Were you ever going to tell me? Did you at any point stop and think to ask yourself, 'Hmm, I should let Tito know about this.'"

Your voice sounded tiny. "At first I did but then I decided that I didn't want to worry you..."

Tito let out a frustrated sigh. "Y/N, this is not something you should toy with. This isn't a fucking joke. This," Tito waved your father's letters in the air. "This is serious business. Do you understand how dangerous your father is?"

"It's not like he would do anything! He said that he would only do something if we said anything."

Tito scoffed. "Do you actually believe that, Y/N!? We are not safe! We never will be if he knows where we are! For fucks sake, Y/N. How could you be so irresponsible and keep this from me!?"

"I'm tired of moving, Tito! We're always running away from him. I'm so sick of it!" You felt tears stinging the corner of your eyes.

Tito's expression softened before he sighed. He then walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders. "I know, kiddo. I'm tired of it too, but it's the only way for us to be safe."

You looked up to him. "No, it's not. We'll always be running. We'll never have normal lives." You slowly felt yourself breaking down as tears began falling from your eyes and down your cheeks.

"Did you keep this from me because of that boy?"

You sniffed. "What?"

"That boy you brought to the autoshop. What was his name again? ...Ryuji?" Your uncle let go of you. "Did you not tell me about the letters because you were afraid we'd have to move and you'd leave him behind?"

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now