XIX. Almost There

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You waited for a few minutes in your apartment quietly before making your way to Cafe Leblanc.

"Guys, I'm heading over now," you whispered, hoping the teens were listening in on the device attached to you.

As you walked over to the cafe, you looked up at the night sky. You noticed a few bright stars in the sky as the clouds floated by and you sighed.

Once you made it to Cafe Leblanc, you turned the knob to open the door but it was locked. You shook the door a bit, thinking it was just jammed but then you noticed the closed sign hanging on the door. "Hello? Open the door, please."

You looked through the glass paneling of the door and noticed Akira come down from the stairs and head over to unlock the door for you. When you entered in, you heard multiple footsteps coming down the stairs. Once you caught sight of Ryuji, you ran up to him and threw your arms around his neck.

"I'm so sorry," you said, your voice partially muffled.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and held you close. "Don't be."

Had he not heard Akechi's kiss through the mic?

"Uh, guys? I need my mic," Futaba said as she tapped your shoulder. You turned towards her, one of your hands still draped around Ryuji's shoulder.

"Right, right. Go ahead," you said, letting go of Ryuji.

Futaba unpinned the mic from your collar and went upstairs.

"So, did you get anything useful?"

"Not really," Morgana sighed. "We'll have to figure out other ways to find some more intel on him. You may be useful in the future, however."

"No dates!" Ryuji growled.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm going to see if Futaba needs anything," Morgana said before walking up the stairs.

"Want some coffee?" Akira asked.

You shook your head. "I'm fine. I just want to go home now."

"I'll walk you home. Be back later," Ryuji said.

"You're not going home?" Akira asked.

"Nah, man. Can I stay over tonight? We don't have class tomorrow anyway. "

"Yeah, sure. I'll see if I can find some extra pajamas for you."

"Thanks man," Ryuji said as he intertwined his fingers with yours. "Come on, Y/N."

"Have a great night, Akira," you waved as you and Ryuji walked to the door.

"Night, Y/N."


"Hey, can I ask you something?" Ryuji said while you walked slowly to your apartment.

You looked over to him. "Yes?"

"You said somethin' on your date that caught my attention."

"Mm? What's that?"

Ryuji stopped and turned to look into your eyes. "Do you feel wanted in our relationship?"

You knitted your eyebrows. "Wanted? What do you mean?"

"Do I make you feel happy and feel like I care for you 'n stuff?"

You smiled softly. "Yuji... of course you do! Why would you think I'm unhappy in our relationship?"

Ryuji turned and you resumed your walk. "I dunno... just been thinkin'."

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now