XIII. Meeting Mama Sakamoto

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"Ah, I'm so tired," Futaba said as she put her head down in her arms on the table.

"Yeah, Joker, I am too. Maybe we should return back to the real world and get some rest," You sighed, hopeful that Akira would agree with you.

Akira looked around to everyone who was now sitting in their chairs, exhausted.

"The Palace will still be here... but, the same can't be said for everyone if we continue to push them," Makoto said.

Akira nodded. "Right. Okay, let's rest everyone. We did a lot of fighting today so I think we should take a breather tomorrow too."

Everyone sighed in relief before getting up and making their way to the front of the Palace to finally come back home.


You ended up across the street from your father's bar. Music was blaring from inside along with the sounds of muffled laughter from drunken customers.

"We should get out of here fast before anyone sees us," Morgana whispered.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want to know what your father would do to us if he found us here," Ann said.

"Yeah, and considering you're a girl and the type of business he runs..." Ryuji quipped.

You slapped his arm and gave him an unamused look.

"Ouch! I was joking!" he harshly whispered.

You rolled your eyes. "Let's just get out of here," you said as you quickly walked away from the area and towards the train station along with the other teens.


When you arrived at the train station, everyone took out their train pass and said good night to each other before dispersing towards their trains.

Ryuji pulled you into a long kiss before pulling away to hold you in his arms. "I can't walk you home tonight 'cause I gotta talk to my mom about somethin' before she heads to bed. But, keep your phone close to you 'cause I'm gonna call you."

You poked your head out to look at his face and smile. "Sure thing. Talk to you later, Yuji," you said before giving him a short kiss.

Ryuji looked towards Akira. "Make sure she gets home safe, will ya?"

Akira nodded as he adjusted the bag with Morgana in it on his shoulder. Ryuji then kissed your knuckles and mumbled a good night before walking away towards his train.

You then turned around to take the train back to Yogen-Jaya with Akira, Futaba, and Morgana. Luckily for you, the train wasn't as packed, so you were able to grab a seat with the other teens. You sighed in exhaustion. I can't believe that entire adventure only took an afternoon in the real world. And Ryuji saved my life! You lips curled into a smile as you thought about your lover and protector.

"What are you smiling about!?" Futaba pointed.

Your face grew red. "N-nothing!"

"She's probably thinking about her boyfriend," Morgana said, as he popped his head out of Akira's bag.

"He's really into you," Akira smiled. "He never shuts up about you."

You scrunched your face up in embarrassment. "I'm sorry..." you responded. You felt slightly embarrassed that Ryuji always talked about you. You could only imagine how tiring it was for Akira to probably hear your name over and over.

"Don't be sorry, Y/N. Contrary to the amount of time he spends talking about you, I don't mind it at all. In fact, I'm glad my friend found someone he cares so much about."

A Feeling From Deep Within (Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now