XXXII. A Date at the Park

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"So, where are we off to?" you asked Akira and Makoto when you met up with them after school.

Makoto smiled shyly. "I've been feeling a bit stressed lately. Would you guys perhaps oppose an afternoon at the park?" she asked reluctantly.

"I think that's a great idea! We all deserve some time to relax after all of our hard work," you assured her.

Makoto smiled more confidently. "Yes! I heard that there were boats shaped like swans that we could ride."

"Oh, yeah! That sounds like fun! And romantic..." you said, as you nudged Ryuji.

Ryuji smirked. "Sure, let's do that."             

"Wait, where's Morgana?" you asked.

Akira pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "He's with Haru for the time being."

Ryuji sighed as the four of you began walking to the train station. "Thank god. I don't need that cat on my back during this date."

You pat his back lovingly. "Aww, you're cute to think that Morgana's absence will keep you from being made fun of."

Ryuji merely responded with an unamused look.


When the four of you arrived at Inokashira Park, you noticed couples walking around hand-in-hand. For once, you didn't feel so out of place as you walked with Ryuji's arm around your shoulder.

Even more, to your surprise, the weather was actually pretty nice, considering it was October; not too cold, just perfect. The scenery was beautiful too as the colors of the trees were changing for the autumn season and it added to the already peaceful atmosphere of the park.

You also seemed to notice that it was rather quiet despite the myriad of couples you saw walking around. The only thing you really heard were the crunch of the leaves under your shoes and the chirping of birds as you walked towards the pond.

"You know, I always thought our next date would be just the two of us, babe," Ryuji said to you quietly. Unfortunately, Akira and Makoto heard too.

"Aw, Ryuji, that's so sweet that you think of us that way," Akira joked.

Ryuji sighed, annoyed. "Seriously? Again with the jokes? I'm not talking to you."

Akira chuckled. "Dude, if you hate this so much, just take her somewhere after this."

"Hey, I'm taking her out tomorrow."

"Yeah? Where to?"

"It's a surprise," Ryuji smirked.

You smiled. "Ooh, now I'm interested."

"...Wait. You weren't interested before!?" Ryuji asked.

"That's not what I meant," you sighed.

It was silent for a few moments before Makoto asked, "Hey Y/N, I've been meaning to ask you: how was it writing the calling card? It can be quite stressful but I see you handled it pretty well. It came out quite nice actually."

"Wow, thank you! Well, I think writing the calling card was bit difficult but Ryuji had some great ideas."

Akira raised his hand to give you a high five. "At least someone takes his ideas seriously."

Ryuji moved your hand away just as you raised it. "Don't high five to that!"

You giggled. "No, but seriously. I think we should take his ideas into consideration more. They may not all be good but sooner or later you might just be surprised."

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