XV. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

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You and the other teens turned when you heard footsteps coming towards you. Two females stopped right before you.

They were both slim and wore skimpy dresses. The female on the left had a cerulean complexion and had little horns rising from her temples. She had purple hair up in a long ponytail. She had a purple smokey eye and a wine shade of lipstick. She wore fishnet stockings along with high-heeled booties. Her V-neck dress was a dark shade of purple and shimmered under the light.

Her sister on the other hand had a pink complexion with horns as well. Her tight-fitted off the shoulder dress was a deep shade of red and complimented her long and wavy burgundy hair that rested off her shoulders. She wore black stilettos and had a tattoo of a snake on her right ankle. Like her sister, she also adorned a red smokey eye and a cherry colored lipstick.

"Ah, so these are the Phantom Thieves we've heard so much about..." The pink one spoke.

"Mmm, they're quite cute," the cerulean one added. "Ooh, especially this one," she said as she walked up to Yusuke. She ran her hand along his chest and he gulped as he backed away.

"You've always liked yours tall," her sister said.

"Yes, and I'd love to suck every last drop out of him," the cerulean one said as she winked.

"The females of the group are quite attractive as well," the pink one said as she walked around Ann observing her. She lightly tugged at one of Ann's pigtails playfully and giggled. Ann crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows.

The pink one then turned to you and Ryuji. You stepped in front of Ryuji, guarding your territory, and you glared at her.

"Hmph, I see some girls don't know how to share," she sneered as she walked by.

"I can tell you're the leader," the cerulean one observed as she stepped up to Akira. "You look so... capable," she sighed.

Akira kept his composure. "We're here to eliminate a problem you have."

"Ah, quite hasty, aren't you? I hope you aren't like that in other areas," she said as she batted her eyelashes. "No matter. My name is Venus. This here is my sister, Freya," she said, gesturing to her sister.

"Come with us and we'll show you the security room," Venus said. The sisters turned around and walked down a hallway together. The Phantom Thieves glanced at each other and then proceeded to follow the sisters to a large security room. The room was filled with large monitors showing video surveillance of different areas in the chamber, including those god-forsaken rooms downstairs.

"Here," Venus said as she pulled up two images of tall figures draped in dark robes. "These guys have been harassing our clients. We need you to dispose of them."

There was a moment of silence as the Phantom Thieves waited for more information... but none came.

"Uh, is that it!? There's no other information you have on them?" Futaba criticized.

"Yes, we can't even see what they look like. They have no distinguishing marks," Makoto added.

Freya smirked. "We've already caught them."

The Phantom Thieves looked confused.

"So, then why don't you just punish them yourselves? Why do you need us?" Yusuke asked.

"Well, cutie, we have a lot of clients that think violence is sexy. So, why not capitalize on this opportunity?" Freya smiled.

"Excuse me?" You spoke up.

Venus rolled her eyes in annoyance. "We want you to destroy them in front of our clients because they get off on it. Do you understand now?" Venus said with an attitude.

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